Tag Archive Rudy

Error: Title Not Found

ByChastain Feb 11, 2021

Moleskin Yeah, I know it usually goes at the end but then I started thinking about why we call it the Moleskin. What is Moleskin? Well, Molesk

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Men formed from Mt. Chiseled

ByHi Hat Feb 10, 2021

Chiseled is always one of my favorites place to post, it is even better when you get to Q.. The Q started out as swap w/Fusebox to get him ove

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Spread ‘Em Blue Screen?

ByZinfandel Feb 9, 2021

Sore. Tired. Useless. That’s a description of my body after Friday’s FSAUP. I probably would have fartsacked again today but Watchtower is so

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Banjo no longer has the Gout!

ByBanjo Feb 3, 2021

2 weeks ago I had a lovely gout attack in my ankle so my Q was delayed until this week.  Luckily Easy Button was passing the torch to Schneider'

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“Blocks” Party at chiseled

ByFlanders Feb 3, 2021

Diccs were given   Warm up   Mosey to the entrance and back to the parking lot by mt chiseled for some ssh, runners stretch

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Flash in the pan

ByRudy Feb 1, 2021

Warm Up  Mosey to High School entrance.  Stretching, Moroccan night clubs, Imperial Walkers, Mt. Climbers. The Thang  Grab a bench.  20 St

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Man: People Really Must Love the Back Blast

ByDoughBoy Jan 28, 2021

The commitment to run a workout and torture my fellow PAX is an easy decision.  The hard part is finding time in the evenings to document said e

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Want to see who your friends are? Call Burpees post COT

ByFuse Box Jan 21, 2021

Spoiler, I was the only one who did burpees.  Details in the Moleskin. 18 Pax came out for a beautiful morning (any time its above 40 and not

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ByRudy Jan 21, 2021

17 Pax showed up to start the day off right.   Since today was the day the 46th President of the Republic was inaugurated, today's workout woul

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