Warm Up – Mosey from COT to Globe by the High School. Stretches, Imperial Walkers.
The Thang – Mosey down driveway on the side of school, stopping at every light for 10 Bobby Hurley’s, down to the end of the parking lot. Mosey to benches at Middle School cafeteria. 10 big boys, 40 American Hammers, lap around track. 20 step ups, lap around track. another exercise (leg or ab), lap around track, 50 lbc’s. Mosey to Middle School entrance. 40 step ups. 10 big boys, 40 american hammers, grab wall and 50 air presses. Mosey to globe. Back down driveway, stopping at every light for 10 low slow squats all the way back to COT. 100 toe taps at curb. Run to opposite end of parking lot, 20 Mary Catherine, run back, 20 mary catherines, back to COT, flutters until time.
Moleskin – When Premature asked me to Q, I let him know I’m happy to, but because of a partial tear in my arm, I’m under Dr.’s orders for no upper body until the new year. He was cool with it. So we did what I could (not that I do it well), but running – 2.7 miles, leg and ab work.
Thanks to the 4 other guys for showing up.
Announcements – Christ Closet on Friday 4-7, Saturday 6:30am-3pm, serve whatever time you can give, 2.0’s and M’s welcome, see Group me for details.
One Star took us Out.
Warm Up – Mosey to Millbridge Pool via neighborhood. SSH, Moroccan nightclubs, Jimmy Dugans, runners stretch, merkins,
The Thang – We run up Millbridge Parkway, did lots of merkins, then started an ab web of 1 BB, 4 AH’s, up to 7. Ran down the parkway back towards clubhouse, along the way did jump squats and squats. Stopped at clubhouse for rounds 8 and 9 of ab web. Ran back to COT, stopped at bridge for 20 derkins.
Once at COT, YHC declared he needed a sip of h20 and went to his car for it. I wore a scarlet letter for the remainder of the workout – about 8 minutes. finished ab web here.
Mosey to rock pile by school entrance, P1 runs parking lot, P2 does curls and military press. Run back to COT.
Mileage was 3.5 to 5 depending on if you were the 6 or in the lead and circle backed.
Warm Up
SSH, Mountain Climbers, Runners Stretch, Moroccan Night Clubs, Plank Jacks, Jimmy Dugans
The Thang
Ab Web – 1 Big Boy, 4 American Hammers…finish at 10 BB and 40 AH’s
Circle Up with Coupons. Concept was to do the Wave, with 1st pax starting an exercise, after first rep the guy next to him starts his reps while Pax 1 continues doing reps. All others plank on coupon until your turn. Once all pax around the circle completed, stay with same exercise but go in the reverse direction so that the last pax of the last round gets to enjoy all the numerous reps as the first pax in the first round. We did curls, military press, blockees, chest press, kettle bells swings, squats.
Rifle Carry to spot in parking lot. Partner up. P1 bear crawls to island and back, P2 does blockees. Rinse and Repeat 2X.
Rifle Carry back. Some wave games, this time instead of plank, top taps on block.
Upward Dog, Downward Dog, Time.
Hot and humid, wow. Thank you for the opportunity to lead, sorry for explicit lyrics on one song on my playlist, it has been removed. Prays for Chicken Little’s friend. Good luck Chastain on your competition tomorrow, Brutus – you should bring a doctor, priest and a drug dealer to help you get through the day tomorrow.
Warm Up – Mosey through lower parking lot, around the perimeter of both schools, stopping 3 times for stretching exercises – Imperial Walkers, Jimmy Dugans, Calf Stretch, Runners Stretch, Moroccan Nightclubs, about a mile.
The Thang – North end of lower parking Lot, there are 3 series of stairs leading to Entrance of High School. We would spend the next 35 minutes running up the 3 series of stairs, up to high school entrance (touch doors), back down 3 flight of stairs to where we started. Mixed exercises in between.
Round 1: 10 merkins – run up stairs to school, back down. Repeat 5X’s
50 LBC’s on your own
Round 2: 15 reps, 20 reps, 25 reps, 20 reps, 15 reps between each round of running stairs. Exercise – Jump Squats
25 American Hammers in cadence
Round 3: Run up each flight of stairs, bear crawl in between each set of stairs, at the top of the last flight, run to school and back down. Only got 1 set due to time.
Mosey to COT.
Ye Ole’ Moleskin: Lots of stairs and YHC expelled more air than a bag pipe. Prayers, Christ Closet on Saturday needs volunteers to move furniture.
DiCCS Given
Warmup – Mosey around Weddington Elementary plot of land (from COT to 12 mile rd to second entrance on 12 mile, back to COT). Jimmy Dugans, Calf Stretch, Runners Stretch, Downward Dog, Upward Dog, Moroccan Nightclubs.
The Thang
Run same loop as opening mosey, stopping at every light – 10 Bobby Hurleys. At the second entrance road from 12 mile, every light 10 SSH.
Mosey to Hill. – 7’s – Merkins/Low Slow Squat
Mary – 25 LBC’s, 26 Heels to Heaven
Mosey to Drop off Circle – Partner Up. P1 Runs Lap, P2 does called exercise, flap jack, continue until all reps completed. 100 Derkins, 100 Balls to Wall Should Taps
Mosey to second drop off Circle, same Partners. This time 200 Dips, 100 Step Ups as a team. a few rounds in time called, back to COT
Ye Olde Moleskin – Title of today’s backblast is derived from the first set of partner work and the question Damascus asked me regarding choosing partners, “Does Size and Speed Matter?” – My response – Nope, but it might for your M! (ooh!)
Other notables – Damascus enjoyed the opening Mosey, but he seemed disappointed it wasn’t a full mile. Mad Dog liked the 7s hill work in the wet grass, with 20 minutes left to work in soaked socks and shoes. Maple Syrup missed the AO change and came in hot. Other cars oddly on campus, which leads to Mad Dog’s timely and smart reminder – don’t get lazy with headlamps. We did run about 100 ft on 12 mile, not the smartest idea without head lamps, i’ll take ownership for that. My headlamp was in my car, too lazy and stupid to get it. Bloodrive 6/19, Five Stones.
YHC took us out
DiCCS Given
Warm Up – Mosey up to Cuthbertson Road, down around Mt Chiseled, length of parking lot, .6 mile opener. Lots of stretching.
The Thang – Pick up your cinder block and head to Mt. Chiseled. Two teams were formed. It would be a competition. The team with the most points win, and boy you didn’t want to be the loser today.
Round One
Team 1 – Carry, as a team the 200+Lb Monster Tire from the island in front of the church all the way to the sign on the entrance road and back. You could use all team members or a fraction of the team. Whatever team member was not carrying had to bear crawl the distance. Repeat back to start.
Team 2 – 10 blockees, then run a lap around Mt Chiseled. Continue until Team 1 was complete, get as many blockees in, this would be your point total, you had to complete the run around Mt. Chiseled in order to gain points for the blockees.
Teams then Flapjack so the team that was carrying the tire could do the exercise to earn their points. This flapjack method was carried out for each round.
Round Two – Same, however I added the fact that when the team carrying the tire arrived at the sign, before heading back to the start you had to complete 10 Burpees (you’re welcome)
Round Three
Exercise – Run as many times around Mt Chiseled as possible, each lap is a point. Tire Carry – this time tire was rolled by two team members to end of parking lot and back. Remainder of the team had to bear crawl and time wasn’t called until last team member crawled back to start.
Round Four
Exercise – 30 curls and Run around Mt. Chiseled. Tire Carry – Same as round one (Tire Carry) except stop at far end of parking lot. Before turning back, 10 Mike Tysons.
Round Five
Same as round 4
Rifle carry to COT
Ye Olde Moleskin – Holy snickers, I almost spilled merlot. The idea of carrying the tire came to me the night before. When Chainsaw asked if I was drinking when I thought of it, I said yes, and he said I must stop drinking, agreed. The competition thing came to me from the Dredd post I read about competition, check it out https://www.collisionlearner.com/post/the-power-of-competition?fbclid=IwAR1UrA5E8a74K8o9TFF_54xyBy_FKiO_ZUztZbjTFS9QEv8akkiqwvDyuqw
In terms of the ‘threat’ I put out regarding the losing Team, my original idea was for the losing team to have to rifle carry the tire back to the shed. That didn’t happen for the following reasons : 1.) Somebody would have gotten hurt 2.) Both teams were tied and counting after the first couple rounds waned. 3.) Objective of pushing each other as a Team, as a unit. was accomplished.
I took us out – Prayers for Zack (O69’s son), Blood Drive, Church on The Street, Christ’s Closet – all F3 events info on Group Me. Memorial Day Convergence at Waxhaw Elementary – 3 options to choose from : The Murph, Hour Long Bootcamp, Mash. Coffeteria to follow. Holiday Hours in effect.
Warm Up – Run Around Rea View School. Circle Up. Jimmy Dugans, Runner Stretch, Calf Stretch, Downward Dog, Upward Dog, Moroccan Night Clubs
The Thang – Reid Farm Rd – Entrance to Rea Rd – Alternate every light from school to Rea Road, 10 Merkins, 10 Bobby Hurleys. On the way back, Paula Abdul – alternate between 10 speed skaters, 10 lunges
Mosey to Playground. Partner Up. P1 runs around track. P2 does exercise – 100 supines as a team. Repeat but this time with 100 derkins.
Mosey to COT. 30 seconds of runner stretch.
Moleskin – Tight knit group today, good chatter. 7 for The Body Shop, 3 for Mash. Body Shop got in 2.6+ miles plus exercises.
Announcements – Tuesday Watchtower moving to Weddington Middle School. June 19th Blood Drive at Five Stones Church in Waxhaw. Need volunteers for F3 Dad’s Camp at Camp Thunderbird – see Radar for details. This activity has been loved by Dads and 2.0’s alike, guaranteed to be a memory everyone will cherish.
YHC took us out.
Warm Up – Mosey .7 mile (around circle, up to Kensington Dr., back to COT, to back of school). Jimmy Dugans, calf stretch, upward dog, downward dog, runners stretch, Moroccan nightclubs.
The Thang – Groups of 3. P1 and P2 stand at opposite ends of playground, each doing reps of called exercise. P3 runs from P1 to P2, takes over reps from P2, P2 runs to P1, etc. As a team do: 300 Merkins, 500 300 Squats.
Next Round, same groups, different exercises and RUN BACKWARDS, 300 Supines or pullups, 300 big boy situps.
Mosey to Rock Pile. Pair up. P1 runs back up to chain link by playground entrance, P2 does exercise. 300 curls and 100 overhead presses as a team.
Mosey to soccer field. Suicides – first light, second bench, third bench, far goal line and back.
Prayers for Premature on upcoming prostrate cancer screening. Thanks to Premature for opening up about your story. 5/17 convergence at Asylum for Mental Health Month – Guest Speaker after beatdown. Saturday 5/15 Christ Closet giveaway and folding party, 9am, bring the whole family, friends, lots of good work to be done, we need your help.
YHC took us out.
Warm Up – Mosey to Brookemead neighborhood, left onto rd leading to cul de sac, circle back for 6, circle up in cul de sac for stretching – Jimmy Dugans, Can Opener, Calf Stretch, Downward Dog, Upward Dog.
The Thang – Mosey back to Brookemead drive and stop at intersection of Abbeywood. Ever other driveway on the right, alternate between 10 speed skaters and 10 bobby hurleys, down to intersection of Brookemead. Circle for 6. 25 LBC’s in cadence. Continue the mosey on perimeter of neighborhood, every other driveway on the right, this time 10 SSH and 10 Squats, including the culdesac street on the right. Continue to where we started at the intersection. 25 Flutters in cadence. Mosey to entrance of neighborhood and on 6 on the sidewalk. 25 heels to heaven. Mosey to back of school, grab some wall. 40 donkey kicks Audible as ground was to slick. 10 Mike Tysons, run the track. 10 Mike Tysons + 10 Merkins, run the track. 10 Mike Tysons + 10 Merkins + 10 Carolina Dry Docks, Run the track. Mosey back to COT.
Moleskin – Doughboy was to Q today, but personal stuff came up, so he and I swapped today’s Q for my scheduled Q at Blackhawk on Saturday. Welcome FNG Freon and FNG Dishwasher. You can still sign up for WTF (Waxhaw Trail Festival), 5/1 at Blackhawk. 1 Q April still in effect, if you haven’t Q’d, raise your hand in Group Me. We don’t want to do 100 burpees in the event someone Q’s twice in the month. YHC took us out.