Resurrection of Puddin from the Ashes

Resurrection of Puddin from the Ashes

Date: 2024-07-26 AO: joust Q: poptart PAX: geraldo, ductwork, puddin_pop, spackles FNGs: None COUNT: 5
Warm up around the parking lot, then suicide tree Merkin ladder thingy. Stop by my truck to get a half roll of fire hose and we carried down to playground. Two Pax at each playground, while someone drags hose back and forth. Everyone got 3 turns. Next up we ran up stadium steps to parking lot 3 times. At each end 10 supines and 10 air squats. Finish at the lot with some core exercises. Notable takeaway: – Puddin really, really, really despises Third Eye Blind. Some much his ashes would rise up like the liquid Terminator to kill off the band

High speed mall or Maul walking

Date: 2024-07-24 AO: the-maul Q: das_boot PAX: patent_pending, Rudy, Odd Job, das_boot FNGs: None COUNT: 4 YHC was feeling inspired by things seen on social media lately and worked in the Murderhorn (in-laws are currently in the beautiful land of Zermatt) but the fan favorite was the introduction of race walking, a keen Olympic sport. It’s no joke and we still have no clue how the British Olympian Tom Bosworth lays down a 5:31 mile walking, but he’s flying. None of the PAX achieved that this morning.
Other fun things included the goofball, squats and rock work. Good times with the men of SOB and catching up, checking on injuries, moves and smart kids. We briefly lost one PAX to nature’s call but he swiftly returned — hopefully the recent rains cleared and signs of his detour. 💩

A Frehley’s Return and Everyone Shows Up

Date: 2024-07-26 AO: the-brave Q: soft_pretzel PAX: fire_hazard, frehleys_comet, midriff, Olaf, teddyf3, ToeJam, wildturkey, soft_pretzel FNGs: None COUNT: 8 + 5 Ruckers
WARMUP: Mosey toward Murderhorn and stop at the neighborhood entrance for stretching, LSS and Merkins. THE THANG: 3x 20 rock shoulder presses with hill sprints and called exercise at the top. Run the Murderhorn and stop for Mary. 3x dips/derkins with lap around the fountains building. Long mosey back with stops for merkins and Mary. 4 miles total. 100+ merkins. MARY: Lots ANNOUNCEMENTS: bro lympics and F3 Date Night tomorrow. COT: Thanks to Midriff for the take out.

Powered by Redbull, McDonalds, Starbucks and gas fumes

Date: 2024-07-26 AO: kevlar Q: Cheese Curd PAX: Orange Whip, Focker, Bananas, Erin Brokavich, Horsehead, lex_luthor, Limey FNGs: None COUNT: 8 Orange Whip tapped me earlier in the week and asked if I could Q. I mentioned that I was coming home from a road trip to Cedar Point Amusement park and I’d let him know. Based on the radio silence from that last correspondence, i felt compelled to show up. So we departed OH about 5pm last night and rolled into the garage at 1:40 this am. With 9 hrs to think about my Q, we were ready to roll at 5:30
WARMUP: Run around the track/ covered the basics: SSH / IW and merkin w/ runners stretch
THE THANG: -10 burpees followed by 1 lap -10 burpees, 20 diamonds, 1 lap -10 burpees, 20 widearm, 30 LBC, 1 lap -10 burpees, 20 offset merkins, 30 V-Up, 40 sumo squats, 1 lap -10 burpees, 20 merkins, 30 heels to heaven, 40 monkey humpers and 50 star jump Squats and 1 lap.
In reality, we actually always started with the new exercise (so 50, 40, 30, 20, 10) and counted down, I am just too tired and lazy to rewrite it.
Run over to the hill for Triple Nickel: Dive bomb merkins at the top/ Calf raises at the bottom and backward run up the hill
Run over to the playground Spread out and do the following: 10 pull ups, 20 dips, 30 swing-set legs to chest, 40 set ups x2 rounds
Run back to the parking lot and DONE
MARY: plenty of abs to catch our breath, wait on the 6, and kill the clock
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bro Olympics on Sat. Rock is on, Stonehenge is closed, unsure about DaVinci
COT: thanks OW for having me Q. Needed the jumpstart. -good to see Bananas after a successful heart surgery -focker abandoned his Joust crew to see if I would show up after my long drive -Ow and Lex felt the need to get a few miles in before the workout, nice job!! -Horsehead was quiet today, although I heard a few jabs, alway makes me laugh -Erin Brockovich quietly complained about the number of step ups. I can’t say I blame him -Limey loves old cotton tee shirts for his gloom beatdown. Nothing breaths better than thick cotton on a humid day As for myself, I am tired. Went to bed about 2 am. No work for me today, so when I hit send… good night!
And one last thing, I know that I ate like crap for the past 2 days and had nothing but energy drink, coffe and McDonalds to create some awful gas. Not sure the diet of the other pax, but it was spicy today!
Have a good day and a good weekend!

Meandering and such

Date: 2024-07-26 AO: nemo-resideo Q: Roulette PAX: Odd Job, F3 Elsa, Rudy, Starch FNGs: None COUNT: 5
3 mile ruck with some fellowship along the way

Mistakes Were Made

Date: 2024-07-25 AO: peak-51 Q: beaver PAX: Full House, ductwork, beaver, SlimFast, Spanner, Catfish, Beefeater, Dungeon Master, Lois, Sledge, Hopper, Fullhouse, Ductwork, Mounds, Gummie, Stone Cold FNGs: None COUNT: 14 WARMUP: SSHx50 in parking lot THE THANG: Olympic speed walk to Carolina Beer Temple, in cadence: – IWx20 – Merkinsx15 – LSQsx20 – Plank jacksx25 – Flutterx15 Mosey to central field: – Multiple bear crawls, crab walks, lunges across the field with varying endpoint exercises (LBCsx50, one hand high merkinsx10, fluttersx20) – Jack Webbx10 (this is where mistakes were made :slightly_smiling_face:) – Circle of Mary – each pax chose exercisex15 and we went around the circle, twice for the protractor (thank you Spammer!) Mosey to brick wall behind Flying Biscuit for a strong finish: – People’s chair ~120 seconds – BTW ~60seconds – People’s chair ~60 seconds with air presses – BTW ~30seconds – Peoples’s chair ~60 seconds with air presses – BTW ~30seconds
Back to launch and plank until end of time.
MARY: Circle of Mary, PAX choicex15 ANNOUNCEMENTS: COT: Strong group of PAX today! Wet weather predicted by “Spamcast” did not materialize and YHC still managed to get all of the PAX thoroughly soaked, as is only proper and fitting.
Mistakes were made in Jack Webb by YHC that were promptly and diligently noted by SlimFast. YHC immediately corrected by, adding a bonus repetition of merkins, of course. Thank you, Slim!
SlimFast took us out with a great prayer and reminded us to keep Sensi and Julie in our prayers. Thank you, everyone! It was an honor to lead.

He didn’t show to know

Date: 2024-07-25 AO: the-devils-turn Q: voodoo PAX: turkey_leg, Orange Whip, Polly, grasshopper, voodoo FNGs: None COUNT: 5 5 pax launched from the Trader Joe’s parking lot in Piper Glen this morning to attempt the Tiger Rag Challenge. Our illustrious site Q was not among them.
Polly was damp when we all got there, so I assume he did a pre-run but he’s sweats a lot so maybe he’d gotten out of his car that way. No one seemed fired up to try to make it to Carmel this morning, but OW led the pack and got the farthest. Grasshopper wanted easy miles so he ran with me. Polly also ran with us for a bit, so he was taking it easy. TL split the difference between OW and the rest of us.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1) Brolympics with Waxhaw on Saturday. 2) Mental Toughness webinar series organized by Astro and Dosey Doe kicks off in August. Monday nights at 8pm.
COT: Thanks to OW for taking us out.

No Beach. :/

Date: 2024-07-25 AO: the-phoenix Q: wildturkey PAX: Rudy, frehleys_comet, kirby, Starch, teddyf3 FNGs: None COUNT: 6 WARMUP: Standard fare – Side Straddlers Imperial Walkers Squats ‘mericans Plank jacks
THE THANG: We ran to to Willow Rock neighborhood to find a lake. Couldn’t find the path. Run up and down a hill instead. Along the way we stopped various times for 40-30-20-10 exercise ladders. MARY: Lots along the way and finished with backscratchers, windshield wipers and flutter ANNOUNCEMENTS: Brolympics in Waxhaw Date Night at OMB this SAT!!
COT: We’re grateful for old friends – literally and figuratively

Tres PAX for a trio of triple nickels

Date: 2024-07-25 AO: _area-51 Q: Circuit City PAX: Snuka, ToeJam FNGs: None COUNT: 3 Just a good ol’ fashion bootcamp. Good work men! WARMUP: SSH, Moroccan NC, LSS, Mountain climbers, runners stretch THE THANG: mosey down the school to set up three separate triple nickels: Round 1: 10 merkins and 10 big boy sit-ups Round 2: 10 dry docks and 10 heals to heaven Round 3: 10 varied merkins and 10 jump squats MARY: dealers choice back at launch ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bro stuff down in Waxhaw on Saturday. COT: YHC took us out

Harder than it looked on paper

Date: 2024-07-24 AO: meathead Q: voodoo PAX: Emoji, flipper, MARTA, Uncle Leo, Unplugged, voodoo FNGs: None COUNT: 6 6 pax circled up in the damp but not super hot gloom this morning at Calvary. The Q was tired and wanted to talk about his feelings, but these are hard men that don’t have feelings, so we decided to lift instead.
WARMUP: SSH x 20 IC Sharon Towers x 10 IC IW x 10 IC Unweighted prying squats Arm circles and flapping
THE THANG: Workout 2 of Week 8 of the KBOMG 3 program by Joe Daniels.
Double clean and squat – 1 rep every :30 for 12:00
8 sets of single bell work (change sides each round): :10 clean and press AMRAP :15 goblet squat AMRAP :20 2 handed swings AMRAP Rest :45-1:00, depending on how winded the Q was
5 sets of double clean and jerk/push press :30 AMRAP (~8 reps)
2 sets of 4 reps of the following single bell work (switching sides each set): 1 swing 1 high pull 1 racked squat
MARY: no time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1) 3rd F at Starbucks at 0630 on Wednesdays 2) Mental Toughness webinar series led by Dosey Doe and Astro Monday nights in August at 8pm 3) Waxhaw is hosting Brolympics this Saturday
COT: with the Anvil pax. Puddin Pop (Anvil Q) took us out. Prayers for Unplugged’s sister, ABBA’s family as they head back to Thailand for 2 more years, and Floor Slapper’s torn bicep.