Tag Archive Mayhem

Truckin’ time at the Body Shop

ByDas Boot Sep 17, 2020

Long Haul kept the PAX truckin' at The Body Shop, hearkening back to his days as Site Q of Devil's Turn -- side runs, backwards runs, side skips

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The Evil Elevator

ByRecalculating Sep 15, 2020

So with all the buzz about IPC swirling around I thought we should start incorporating some of week3's exercises and distance into a workout.  I

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Make It Stop™ Diesel Edition

ByChastain Sep 4, 2020

Back in July I used Watchtower as a guinea pig for the First Edition of Make It Stop™. The rules were simple: I name an exercise from an ordere

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Pavlov’s Burpee

ByChastain Sep 2, 2020

A month ago I had never been to Dromedary before and today I'm the Q. Two years of F3 and it's time to be new and start posting/Qing sites I've n

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Basketball and Track Practice

ByRockwell Sep 1, 2020

23 strong (including MASH) for Watchtower this morning!  I pulled into the parking lot 10 minutes early and the MASHers were already all set up

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More than a workout

ByRudy Sep 1, 2020

DiCCS given, staying on campus Warm Up Mosey towards Town Hall, U Turn and head West along sidewalk on Weddington Rd to CVS parking lot. 

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Golfers of the Future???

ByChastain Aug 28, 2020

(Courtesy of Mayhem) Brutus put out a late call last night for someone to queue Diesel this morning at 5:15 am.  Before I could think it thro

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Dromedary BB

ByEasy Button Aug 21, 2020

  Opening mosey around that parking lot back to COT Warm up 20 x SSH 15 imperial walkers 10 Diamond merkins Various stretches

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Payback’s a…blast

ByChastain Aug 20, 2020

Centerfold was looking for a sucker after Dromedary yesterday and apparently I was the guy. Put me on the spot, "Chastain, you wanna Q Body Shop

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Bumps in the Road

BySmithers Aug 18, 2020

Quick DiCCS including rant about my headlamp dying on prerun and we're off. Warmup Mosey behind the school and to the bus lot 20 SSH Ji

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