Tag Archive Turn Buckle

Frustrated FUSE in the Pursuit of Excellence

ByChicken Little Sep 2, 2021

DICCS given to to cover normal safety stuff-- cell phone , cpr, ect... Warm Up- fast paced mosey with only a few peeps to first circular islan

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Mullet nation @ Chiseled

ByEx-LAX Aug 25, 2021

DICCS given Warm up Warm up to entrance and back. Circle up. Moroccan Night Clubs 15 Imperial Walkers 15 Imperial Butt Curb ca

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The Crawl

ByDoughBoy Aug 22, 2021

Well, you know that you planned a crazy workout when you wake up the next day and figure out that you cannot play basketball because your entire

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Full Moon Lunar Phase Commitment Workout

ByDrive By Jul 25, 2021

Driving to Nesbit Park under a Full Moon Lunar phase was great, the start of a great morning, great workout, with a great group of Pax’s 10

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Diesel Jack Webb Sandwich

ByGhosted Jul 23, 2021

Warmup * 20 Rocking night clubs (Fuse Box😉) * 20 Side Straddle Hops *20 Imperial Walkers *Plank Position – Calf Stretches, Jack

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Asylum 6/28/21

ByLoafer Jun 28, 2021

Asylum- 6/28/21 DICS- Swimmers-Loafer-Flanders-Smokey-FuseBox-TB- Ran to rock pile .. Chose you favorite rock ! Headed back to COT to

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Mileage at Commitment and Where Did the 6 Go?

ByJ-Woww Jun 26, 2021

I wanted to change up my Q for commitment and come out of my comfort zone, which meant a good deal of mileage for the PAX. Everyone did great an

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Death By Man Cold

ByFuse Box Jun 11, 2021

I've been fighting a pretty hard fight this week.  Its known as the Man Cold.  While its symptoms often mimic the common cold, even when our wi

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The Floater – A Tale of Two Church Parking Lots

ByGhosted Jun 10, 2021

DISCS WARM-UP * Mosey lap around Waxhaw United Methodist Church Block. * 20 Rocking night clubs * 20 Side Straddle Hops *20 Imperial Wal

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Go Around Back

ByPaper Jam May 26, 2021

9 PAX found their way to the airnaisum. We came, we stretched, we conquered. Those who opine that our flexibility style AO (which is now in

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