Tag Archive Ex-Lax


ByRicky Bobby Apr 9, 2021

21 men showed up this morning between Impromptu and Swarm to celebrate the 99th day of the year. The weather was fantastic and the overall mood o

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It’s O69, We’re just gonna walk around a bit…

ByO69 Apr 7, 2021

DICCS given- PAX are shocked to learn I’m not a pro. Modify as Necessary. Don’t sue the Q, 5 Stones or F3. Cell phones? CPR? Reminder given

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Super Tuesday

ByRicky Bobby Apr 6, 2021

On the hit TV show One Day At A Time the building maintenance supervisor was a man name Schneider. This morning Watchtower's own site AO - Tom Ev

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We were not crucified

BySurge Apr 2, 2021

13 PAX (plus another 5 at Swarm) at Impromptu this morning…no site Q’s to be found…Recalc looked all morning. Warmup Easy mosey behind

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Muscle by Masonry

BySugar Daddy Mar 31, 2021

Its Chiseled------time to break out the Cooooooupons. One nice thing about F3 Waxhaw is the variety of workouts. Yesterday , I was at Waxhaw E

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Of Wolf and Man

ByChastain Mar 29, 2021

Listen to this while reading the backblast 12 men rolled out of bed a little earlier and ventured into parts unknown to help launch The Lycan;

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A Bridge Over Waxhaw

ByPaper Jam Mar 28, 2021

10 PAX showed up on a warm morning at the parking lot of the Millbridge pool to run. And run they did. After a proper disclaimer and poor explana

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The Clippy Challenge + Setting Goals

ByChastain Mar 26, 2021

10 PAX went to Pursuit and some of them attempted the Clippy Challenge. What's that? According to Paper Jam he was trying to come up with a route

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What Goes Up, Must Come Down!

ByGoodfella Mar 24, 2021

Chiseled was launched as an AO back on 10/1/2018.  With YHC’s previous Wednesday commitment to Dromedary and mostly taking Wednesdays off late

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ByLoafer Mar 20, 2021

F3 Impromptu 3/19/21 DICCS – Always have to give the DICCS (Disclaimer, CPR Check, Cell Phone Check and Safety Reminder)  Done. Warm Up- Ra

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