Tag Archive Das Boot

The Body Shop has a side hustle: washboards

ByDas Boot Feb 5, 2021

8 PAX joined Chipotle in his side hustle selling washboards.  After a mosey and a little warm-up, the routine was Ab exercises x 100, run a lap,

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I got fired…

ByTransporter Feb 4, 2021

I have been fired one other time,  it was years ago and I was cutting grass for a job in college....we can leave that there.  In any case,  I

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Don’t let anyone read this letter

ByDas Boot Feb 2, 2021

15 PAX at F3 Sanctuary went against Brother Lawrence's stated wishes and read his first 3 letters in The Practice of the Presence of God. Althoug

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26° in Marvin is warmer than you might expect

ByDas Boot Feb 1, 2021

6 PAX came out to support Polly's AO while he's in recovery and Friday's 26 degrees was surprisingly more comfortable than Thursday's 33 in bitin

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Winter Olympics!

ByHoneycomb Jan 30, 2021

The first ever Winter Olympics was on January 30, 1924.  Everyone loves curling and that other event where you ski and shoot guns so of course,

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Flagpole up

ByDas Boot Jan 29, 2021

6 PAX came out for some boating with at The Body Shop, accompanied by 4 MASHers. The rain did hold off while Ironsides led the PAX for a long-dis

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2021 MVP (Minimum Viable Product) Backblast

ByMadDog Jan 27, 2021

This backblast is meant to serve as an example of a "Minimum Viable Product" backblast that anyone can take 5 minutes or less to write.  2021 is

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Don’t skip calf day

ByDas Boot Jan 27, 2021

When it was announced months ago that a new Monday boot camp would be starting at Blakeney and it would be named "Firestarter," YHC got excited r

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Hemi-powered VQ

ByDas Boot Jan 25, 2021

***Posted on behalf of Fruit Loops for his VQ*** 6:30 and quick introduction to basic theme of the Workout:  Automotive. (I work for an Automot

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First and firsts at Bizarro Diesel

ByDas Boot Jan 23, 2021

YHC Qing a gear workout, Brutus doing a pre-run, and then Gerber and Speed Bump arrive for the gear workout -- January 22 was Bizarro Day at Dies

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