Winter Olympics!

Winter Olympics!

The first ever Winter Olympics was on January 30, 1924.  Everyone loves curling and that other event where you ski and shoot guns so of course, we had to have our own version of the Winter Olympics to celebrate.  Since we didn’t have any bowling balls with handles, and we can’t bring guns on school property, we had to go with some different events.

Warm up

Mosey to the back bus parking lot and did:

SSH, Imperial Walkers, Mtn Climbers, Merkins, Calf Stretch, runners stretch.

First Olympic event:  Ski Jump

We all lined up in a plank and for the first jump we ran 10 paces, did 10 burpees, ran back and did a plank till everyone was back.

2nd jump:  run 20 paces, do 20 merkins, run back.

3rd jump:  run 30 paces, do 30 of something, I can’t remember because I had a different pax call out each exercise.

4th jump:  run 40 paces, do 40 of something else.

5th jump:  run 50 paces, do 50 of another something else.


Snow Angels

What do you do in between events at the Winter Olympics?  Snow angels, of course!

30 snow angels on your back, just like it sounds.  Run a lap around the parking lot.

30 Austrian snow angels (on your stomach).  Why are they called Austrian?  I don’t know, I guess they are weird over there, no offense Von Trapp.  Run a lap.

30 WWI snow angels.  Do a snow angel on your back, do a WWI sit up.  Run a lap.

Olympian Training

Next we did some upper body shoulder training which every Olympian needs more of.

30 big arm circles.  30 reverse big arm circles.  30 seal claps.  30 overhead claps.  Wow, those felt great!


Next Olympic Event: Bobsled!

I had a course set up around the parking lot with cones (which were supposed to be track turns) marking off exercises, 30 of each, and we started with a short bear crawl to get our sleds moving fast!

The stations were 30 each of: Bobby Hurleys, Merkins, Speed Skaters, LBC’s, Low Slow Squats, Heels to Heaven, Plank Jacks, Side Straddle Hops.

More Olympian Training

Time for some lower body work which really helps with the downhill skiing.

20 each of squats, lunges, speed skaters, bobby hurley’s.  I don’t know why I didn’t do 30 of each, I guess because my legs were already dead.

Next we circled up and each pax called out an exercise that we all had to do while he ran to the other end of the parking lot and back.  No one called out burpees, but one guy did call Smurph Jacks which are almost as bad.

Our last fun activity was another tribute to the number 30 (Jan 30th, 1924) we all ran in a big circle around the speaker to the song “Lick it up” by Kiss, and every time they said “lick it up” we did a burpee.  There happen to be 30 “lick it up’s” in that 4 1/2 minute song, which felt like a lot more than 30.  Zin almost drop-kicked my speaker at the end.  Then we did 45 seconds of Have a Nice Day and the next song on my playlist was Lovely Day, so it was perfect.  And that was time.

There were a few comments about my playlist which included some country, some 80’s, some current stuff, and a few weird songs that I have no idea how they got on there.  I can share my playlist with anyone who is interested.

Welcome to FNG David Marsh, new nickname is “Berry” because he’s on the waiting list to become an elevator mechanic and Cherie Berry is our current Commissioner of Labor and her name is inside of every elevator in the state.  Zinfandel came up with that one, very good!

I’m looking forward to being the c0-site Q at Homecoming this year with Zinfandel.  My one word for the year is “lead”.  That’s lead as in being a leader, not lead as in lead weight.  I don’t really like to lead, I’d rather be on the back row and just do my own thing.  But I guess God has other plans for me right now and I’m being asked to lead more at my church, and now at F3.  I like being a part of something bigger than myself.  F3 has so many core values that I share, and it’s full of great men who I enjoy being around.  I’m looking forward to a great 2021 with all of you, my brothers.  Thanks for pushing me to be better!

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