Tag Archive Zinfandel

Speed Work for Dummies

ByGerber May 6, 2020

Speed work day for F3 Waxhaw.  With the upcoming virtual race series upon us and F3 Waxhaw's desire to get faster this has sort of become a new

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Bombjack Bonanza-

ByChicken Little Apr 29, 2020

Field trip day 2 Cuthbertson-- With two more Chaperones... (Zinfandel and High Hat) to help wrangle all the Southside Briarcrest peeps--- I think

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F3 Waxhaw Update

ByGoodfella Apr 28, 2020

Fellas: First of all, YHC and your Board of Brothers hopes you and your families are all safe and well, and you're enjoying this much needed "

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Altered Mini Murph – Pandemic Special

ByHooch Mar 16, 2020

16 decided to brave the pandemic with a slight brisk feeling in the air.    As this was the actual first week day with no school happening in

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A Skin Tight Skeleton Bodysuit to Run After or To Run Away From???!??!!

ByZinfandel Mar 14, 2020

And for my 41st Q, I realized I haven’t Q’d in over a month. Were my costumes in November too much? Could I have finally worn out my welcome?

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Watch Out for Sammy No Shoulders

ByBanjo Mar 13, 2020

9 Men joined in for a few miles around an empty campus this morning.  The Ecoli in the water got school cancelled again and gave us some fresh n

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The Circle Trifecta

BySprinkles Mar 12, 2020

This is my second backblast so here we goooo.... After DCCs, fast mosey to front of parking lot by the high school. We did warmup exercises a

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Burpee 101: Intro to Burpees

ByChastain Mar 10, 2020

22 guys showed up for some burpees, burpees, and uh, more burpees. Whipped out an extended DiCCCS today, with an added C for Coronavirus. 3...2..

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ByDasher Mar 10, 2020

After a pretty intense Sunday running and MTB with Wolverine I wasn't sure if I was going to be up for the Q this morning. Foam rolling, CBD Rec

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The Beast (6,6,6,6,6,6)

ByMadDog Mar 7, 2020

10 Pax came out to Homecoming for a good Saturday morning beatdown.  DICCS was given and off we went for a nice long mosey. COP: The usual

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