Tag Archive smuggler

Short little mosey around the neglected 9.

ByTonyatine Jan 19, 2021

The usual Bushwood crew has been Spotty over the last few weeks.. Whether from the holidays, vacations or Covid, its been a while since we have a

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AMRAP at DaVinci

ByBrexit Jan 9, 2021

Midriff, the bundle of excitement that he is, is hard to say no to when he asks you to take a Q. He doubled down with the offer of Q swapping so

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We were running with Lieutenant Dan

ByMadDog Jan 9, 2021

The Thang: DICCS handled Quick running warm-up around the MRHS parking lot.  Stops at each cross-section for an exercise. First u

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Soft Launch of Waxhaw’s Newest AO: “Last Call”

ByGoodfella Jan 8, 2021

Sometimes it's hard to believe just how much the little 'ole Waxhaw Region continues to grow. We are just one week into January and we have alrea

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His Mother was a Mudder.

ByBig Tuna Jan 7, 2021

It was a a brisk (35-degrees) launch at 5:30am and Meat Smoker showed up in shorts & a T-shirt. (Pittsburg Strong!) Chippy worked out with no

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Dropping B-b-b-b-ombs at Bushwood

Bymidriff Jan 6, 2021

Roll into the Country Club at 0515 to get acclimated with the site and warmed up. As PAX trickle in, I take note of club members that are in

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F3liz Navidad Convergence

ByTaco Stand Dec 25, 2020

Every now and then, a casual conversation sparks an idea that eventually takes on its own personality.  Most ideas such as these I’ve found te

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12 Days (and Reps) of Christmas

ByDeep Dish Dec 23, 2020

Warmup Mosey around parking lot.  IW (oops I mean SSH) in cadence x 24, IW in cadence x 24, Merkins in cadence x 12 & Mountain Climbers i

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Objects in reality are further than they appear

ByChastain Dec 17, 2020

Das Boot put the call out last night for a last minute substi-Q for the Body Shop and I jumped on it. I was already planning on attending and gra

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Too Late for Bushwood?

ByTonyatine Dec 15, 2020

For more local AO's, YHC sets the alarm for 5:06... Yes that 1 minute makes all the difference... Except for when it doesn't and 1 minute somehow

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