Tag Archive Dasher

Day after the Super Bowl Beating

ByGoodfella Feb 3, 2020

The day after the Super Bowl still brought 10 Pax out for an Ignition workout.  Some of the “regulars” were not present, and we heard at lea

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Post Dryuary Celebration

ByRecalculating Feb 1, 2020

16 Pax for a homecoming IronPax like circuit - 2 guests from Monroe: Bonhoffer and Double E.   Relief was in the air as the calendar flipped to

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Opposites Attract

ByRecalculating Jan 28, 2020

Staring into three (3) Q's this week I needed to dig way deep into the 8o's archives to satisfy the Pax.  So without any cassette tapes, 45's or

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Yeah, That’s Not Gonna Work

ByWedding Singer Jan 25, 2020

I think this mornings workout can really be summed up with one phrase. "Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time". With one last Q before hea

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ByHollywood Jan 24, 2020

12 really swell guys for a fun-filled run through the rain. Diccs and we’re off Warm –up: Run around to HS parking lot, grab lifting rock,

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Mini Murph Monday at Ignition

ByHooch Jan 21, 2020

11 men ventured out this morning with temps in the 20s not knowing what was in store today. But this specific group of men that came to workout,

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Yes I was passed by kids and girls…..

ByDeadwood Jan 18, 2020

I confirmed a 7:45am meeting time with Recalculating last night but as I was driving I noticed a missed call from Dasher and the Recalculating. 

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Starfish @ Couples Retreat

ByRecalculating Jan 17, 2020

28 strong for an invigorating morning with temps finally back down to allow for the stallions to run free today in their winter coats.  Lots of

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Dinner is Served

ByGerber Jan 17, 2020

Sometimes when a cook is asked to prepare a meal with only a few days’ notice they open the cupboard and grab a few tried and tested plant base

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Time to Make the Donuts….Croissants!

ByFoundation Jan 16, 2020

27 Pax came to Floater this morning for an fun filled workout.  Upon entry YHC and remaining LRC crew got to see Bottlecap and Gerber doing a pr

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