Time to Make the Donuts….Croissants!

Time to Make the Donuts….Croissants!

27 Pax came to Floater this morning for an fun filled workout.  Upon entry YHC and remaining LRC crew got to see Bottlecap and Gerber doing a pre-run.  Unfortunately, they were unable to find a 3rd pax to join them so will not receive an additional post credit.  As we set to park we got to watch Deadwood completing his 100 merkin penalty (+4 lbs….wtf?) for weight loss challenge.  Few final participants getting in their week 1 weights and with about 4 minutes to go we reviewed DCCS.  What is this…could it be did YHC call in a favor and request an early train to avoid traditional warmup and listening to a sober Damascus requesting more calf stretches.  Why yes in deed.  Clock hits 5:30 and circle up boys we have burpees!

Kid Rock now decided to join the pax.  Instead of jumping right in and completing the burpees he and Damascus decide to take a few minutes to discuss the Birds & Bees….or was it proper burpee form.  Either way you have to go down first.

Train passes and we are off and moseying towards “Another Bad Idea” and Q accommodated pax with quick calf stretch while explaining the next series of events.  We will continue to circle up and down the hill.  Alternating between 1:30 secs of running and 30 secs of called exercises.  Each round will consist of 3 sets

  • Round 1: Merkins
  • Round 2: Bobby Hurleys
  • Round 3: Flutters
  • Round 4: Carolina Dry Docks

Goal was to do another 2 rounds but at one point I overheard assault plans being discussed by Easy Button/Dasher so decided to end after 4 rounds.  Gather group at bottom of the hill and mosey towards the parking lot on Main St.  Finish with our last set of Dry Docks waiting on the 6 and a quick routine of Pistol LBC’s and off for another short mosey towards Pelicans Snoballs parking lot.  Circle up and do the following:

  • 25 Smurf Jacks
  • 25 Freddy Mercury’s
  • 25 Speed Skaters (Zin not all of us are Apolo Ohno and need a little more time to move down the ice….or YHC just counts slow)
  • 25 Toe Touches

Next hand it over to Carb Load with request for 1 more exercise for 25 count….lost in translation as to what to do. As YHC slips out of the circle.  As Pax starts to mosey back towards COT….YHC appears from Burney’s Bakery Shop with box of glazed croissants waiting for the group.  Quickly pile the whole crew into the store, snap our family photo….Nailed it!  And we jail break to COT with a +1 min on time.

Additional Mumble Chatter:

  • Pax was lucky as we just missed the “Ken Jennings” of a double train at the Floater.  Will be talking to the NS about how to incorporate in future.
  • Glad to have Deep Dish join us at the Floater and good work out there today.
  • Yes, YHC went to Deflated’s closet and continues to sport the long sleeves.
  • Glad to see Recalc out there this morning after he waffled on LRC yesterday
  • In case anyone ever wondered if a Centaur would slap its own a$$ to run faster…Shake proved why yes they would today as witnessed by Zin
  • Good hustle by Sambuca, Trojan,  and Blades of Glory this morning.
  • As co-site Q we have let Ice9 know that he is to arrange to have Provisions serve Bacon/Egg/Cheese sandwiches next week at completion of his Q.
  • Fuse – thank you for taking the group out in prayer.



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