Mini Murph Monday at Ignition

Mini Murph Monday at Ignition

11 men ventured out this morning with temps in the 20s not knowing what was in store today. But this specific group of men that came to workout,  did not hesitate or complain even when it was time to start moving. I can not say enough as to how hard everyone worked. The only slight delay in this BB creation has created a storm of chaos.   Now the question is out there.  What is more important?  A tough quality workout or a simple BackBlast for credit?   There are some different opinions out there.   Anyway, here is Monday’s breakdown.




Long loop to HS lot w/karaokes, butt kickers
Head to the track

Quick stop – SSH, JDs, Calf Stretch

The Thang

Grab some bench for Derkin Buster – 10 Crab Derkins/20 Derkins ×2
Mini Murph – Total 10 – 400s between each lap 5 pull-ups, 10 merkins, 15 squats

Head to the rocks for a starburst/3 corners

25 curls, 25 presses hitting the 3 corners in between and 5 monkey humpers each corner

Long Indian Burpee run back to the start



Good group of guys that pushed hard in the cold. Limited complaining and just minor modifications happening.  Once on the track,  no one complained about the cold. Good to see Ice9 today going hard from start to finish.


Best part of the morning was watching Goodfella try to jump and grab the pullup bar to no avail.



Refer to Flash


Ice 9 took us out.

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Hooch author

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