Tag Archive Cheese Curd

Who has a conference call at 6 AM?

BySlackBlast Jan 24, 2023

DATE: 2023-01-24 AO: Run Q: hoover PAX: Astro (Kyle Kirchhoff), Cheese Curd, Christmas, Watchita, Runstopper, baracus FNGs: None COUNT: 7 WARMUP

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Cardinal’s VQ

ByWildTurkey Jan 19, 2023

DATE: 2023-01-19 AO: Nightmare-On-Elm Q: wildturkey PAX: teddyf3, mighty_mite, Happy Meal, Cheese Curd, rachel, sledge, lex_luthor, wingman, Loog

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Slack(er)blast – Or how Wingman hunted me down to do this

ByHoover Jan 18, 2023

DATE: 2023-01-18 AO: Sacs Q: hoover PAX: geraldo, Cheese Curd, MAD, sledge, wildturkey, Emoji, lex_luthor FNGs: None COUNT: 8 WARMUP: 1 mile ruck

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Off Campur Tour

ByCheese Curd Jan 9, 2023

DATE: 2023-01-09 AO: _Area-51 Q: Cheese Curd PAX: thunder_road, Emoji, Mr. Magoo, Snuka, Hops, jet_fuel, Limey FNGs: None COUNT: 8 WARMUP: jog to

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The real reason we celebrate Cinco de Mayo

ByHoover May 5, 2022

Let's cut to the chase (or is it chaise?) here, Cinco de Mayo is about as much of a holiday as Administrative Professionals day.  No offense to

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Shut Up And Carry S**t/Stuff (SACS)

ByHoover Jan 27, 2022

Disclaimer: This is YHC's second backblast in two days.  I'm turning to the Waxhaw-side. YHC was tapped to Q one of the three Wednesday worko

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10 Years of F3, a reordering of the 3 F’s, and gratitude.

ByHops Dec 14, 2021

10 Years of F3.  Wow.  I'm old...Respect just around the corner.  Suppose I didn't want to stay fat into my 40's, so I tried this F3 thing at

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Just Another Merkin Monday

Bymidriff Dec 7, 2021

Monday workouts are tough. Retribution for that extra drink or dessert while taking in the last gasp of the weekend. My attendance has been poor

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Classy AF: The Area 51 Holiday (Keg) Party Pre-Blast

ByHoover Dec 4, 2021

Holiday gatherings, the time honored tradition of cramming ourselves into an enclosed space during the annual global pandemic that is flu season.

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Crocodile Herman’s Bike

ByHoover Oct 8, 2021

12 did what the rain hasn't done at 0530 all week, they showed up and put the work in.  YHC was making up for his lackluster Q performance compl

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