11 Pax eventually showed up, shovel flag was planted and an on-the-go disclaimer was given (rather poorly). Nothing but salty vets and a pregnant woman…wait, that was Rousey.
Brief jog to the parking deck. The normal Centurion crew reminded me that there is a side walk with a pedestrian light. Sorry boys, I almost refused it twice, safety first! Busy busy today!
Warm Up
SSH and IW …now we are warm!
The Thang
Deconstructed Burpees on the deck. Each level we did one part of a burpee and then did a few at the top:
20 Squats
20 Bunny hops
20 Merkins
20 Jump squats
10 Full burpees
Head down stairs back to the deck again for some 2,4,8
Run a ramp and perform Merkins, Squats, LBC. Back pedal down 1 ramp and Monkey Humpers the run up to the next ramp…to the top. Start with 2,4,8 and end with 10,20,30.. I promise it made sense
2,4,6,8,10 Merkins
4,8,12,16,20 Squats
8,16,24,32,40 LBC
10 monkey humpers
Decline plank to wait for the 6 (even Semi Gloss did them). Head down the stairs, meet in-between 2 set of stairs
Run up the stairs and 5 burpees- run back down
Bunny hop each stair to the top and 5 burpees- run back down
Dbl stair hop to the top and 5 burpees – run back down
Regroup with some abs to get a breather
Back to Stairs
Bear crawl to the the top
Crawl bear or bear crawl down
More abs to enjoy the mumble chatter after that. Run to benches
20 Dips
10 Incline merkins
10 Decline merkins
Run back to the parking lot (tons of traffic) Used the lights, but took the longer way home. Completed another 4 MOM (minutes of marry) and DONE!
-Free Beer tonight 4-6 – 6025 New Town Rd. Some labor may be required
– Metro is hosting a Trail run. I will find details if you can, hit me up
-Blood donation see Mighty Mite
-Q’s wanted- Sign up or someone may sign you up
Ye Olde Mole Skinny
– Thank you for the opportunity to lead- Snow Flake and Preschool. Besides the issue with Hoover, I would say you both rebounded nicely. Keep asking me, I do love this site
– Not the biggest parking deck, but tons of options
– Sorry to Sable- no Centurion mile. I did consider, but didn’t want to smoke myself before the Q
– We divided the stair work to give everyone some space. So 5-6 guys were separated for some of the workout. Not sure if the chatter was lively like it was in our group
-I gave you the option to do Crawl bear or backwards bear crawl. As I said, this is perfect for 4 levels. Up was easy, down sucked.
-I always recycle parts of my workouts because I like them. However, always tweaking parts and this seemed to work. I bailed on IPC this week, but feel like I made up for it today. A little bit.
-speaking of you almost had cinderblocks today, I just did not want to pull them out…next time
-why did we do 2,4,8’s this AM and not 2,4,6? I never even thought of it until I wrote this BB. Strange, but your Abs will thank you
-Everyone knew where Rousey was. He was the pregnant lady for the morning. I complain a lot and have been known to make noises while running, but I think you took it up a level. I checked in at the end
-Merkin and Burpee heavy today, sorry. Just when I complained about IPC, we probably had close to as many Merkins and burpees.
-I honestly did not hear much mumble chatter, feel free to add comments. Too much in my head thinking about the next thing
– Good catching up with many guys I don’t normally see, but when OG Semi Gloss rolled up, I was smitten. Bad boy hair hair flowing, skipping IW…its just an attitude!
-Talking to Preschool, Sabel and Waffle House about rucking and stuff. If anyone has interest, just hit me up and we will get you set up for a donut ruck or SACS workout. We can adjust the weight to get you comfortable.
Week after week the training is getting tougher, the weight gets heavier and this week was no different. As I prepared for today, I wanted to build on last weeks Geraldo Q, which was about team building and staying together. Also, he built on Hoovers, Shut Up and Carry Shit (SACS) the week before. Either way the 80lb sandbag made it out last week which sucked. THere was talk of the 120# bags, so today is the day I finally got to use mine.
So 5 veterans of the gloom all rolled in (some later then others..Focker) and were greeted with SACS. First, everyone was given an extra 10lb before we even got moving. This was to give the Pax time to adjust to the weight of the water that we are required to carry for the GrowRuck event. Once we got adjusted, we grabbed Geraldo’s and YHC 60#sandbags x2, another 30 sandbag, Hoover’s 40# sandbag (previously 80#) and at that point Wild Turkey surprised us with his newly acquired “sandbag” the all famous Whale Dick. Yep…thank you Fire Hazard, this thing lives on. If you haven’t seen it your lucky. I am not sure which mad scientist made it, but it is long, black, curved, soft and has a good weight (50 0r 60??) to it…there it is. Thanks for that.
We gathered up our Rucks and extra items and got moving. We did not get to far and I had mentioned that I was waiting for my FNG. Well, I had the Pax walk right by “him” . In my house if I can’t think of someone’s name he is automatically, Steve. So welcome FNG-Steve. Steve is a 120lb sandbag and he had a ruck with another 20lb in it. Thankfully Steve fell under the 150 lb and was only required to carry the minimum. That said, the Pax were overjoyed to meet FNG-Steve and we partner carried Steve and his ruck all morning. The total combined/ shared weight was 360lb plus what each man carried on their back (30-50 lb including the extra 10lb)
The Warm Up- Nope…The Thang
The goal was really to walk while carrying crazy heavy things today. Mission accomplished! I had the course set up like the old Death Valley- Gopher, which involves the track and the baseball diamond. We stayed together as a group and traded coupons frequently.
Track- 15 ruck swings / 15 Shoulder to shoulder press / 15 curls
Pavilion- 5 ruck burpees/ 30 reps of some Ab exercise / 1 min of holding the ruck above your head
Baseball field- 20 dips (w/ruck) / 20 step ups and 20 squats (with ruck and sandbag)
That’s is it. We managed to do this circuit 2x’s for a staggering 1.4 miles
Announcements: None asked for / none given
Take out: Thank you Geraldo …even if we were delayed (my bad)
Ye’ Old Mole Skin
As we get closer to GrowRuck- 21, the little AO that could, continues to see some new faces and some regular ones. We were a strong 5 until our newest FNG- Scratch and Win came in HOT, exited his vehicle and off we went.
The Warm Up
YHC grabbed all his sandbags and offered various weights to the different Pax. Considering the regulars were expecting to ruck with additional weight, most came prepared. Now with rucks and extra weight, we headed to the bottom of Rising Meadow and Round Run for simple 3 legged dog.
The Thang
3 Paths: Rising Meadow, Rounding Run both East and West. as we rucked to the hill peak.
Rising Meadow: Merkins x15 / Swings x15 / Curls x15
Rounding Run (E): Overhead press (shoulder to shoulder) x15 / Tricep extensions x15 / Good Morning x15
Rounding Run (W): High pull x15 / Lunges x15 (each leg) / Bent Over row x15
Intersection of all 3 w/ each trip
5 Burpees w/ ruck
Squats w/ ruck and sandbag
30 of some abs- Dolly, Russian Twist, Big Boy sit ups w/ruck
Together we tackled all 3 locations x2 trips up each. Once it was time, we grabbed ruck and sandbag and headed home…few guys wanted to hit 2 miles, so some wandering around at base and DONE
Thank you Scratch and Win for the prayer
Mole Skinny:
I took the Q at Centurion last minute from Mermaid, who seemed hopeless and desperately needed a Q this am. With a plan already in mind, I said I would take it. He said, “I am waiting to see if anyone else is interested.” As the hours went on, he finally agreed to handover the keys to his pristine site and then continued to answered countless questions on the locations of rocks and such. I am sure he is now regretting the approval. However, the wonderful host provided me with a google map (sign of a strong Site Q) of the rock pile. The thing is, I knew within minutes of accepting, we were doing parking deck and the centurion mile. #nexttime
Fast forward, I arrived early, like a child on Christmas Day. It was great to meet many Pax that I have not seen lately. 5:29:30, eventually 15 Pax showed up, sloppy disclaimer provided and we were off.
The Warm Up
From the lot we headed straight for the parking deck. Lots of traffic crossing the road, but eventually we made it up the ramp to the top deck. Man, there is nothing finer then starting your morning at the top of a parking deck. From there we did the following:
IW x 15
5 each of the following (so we could skip the demo after)
SSH x15
Again, 5 each of the following (so we could skip the demo after)
The Thang
Finished with that, I asked if any Pax knew what the Centurion Mile was? Mild response. Of those that replied, do you know how fast you ran it? Crickets. Haver you ever done it backward (in reverse)? Nope. Ok, shady directions provide and with that, we took off…well I did.
Upon arrival at the normal starting point, there was construction blocking the normal cut through. Sorry boys, another 1/4 mile to the parking decks.
At the middle, the plan was to hit each stairwell with the following workout. Since there are only 3 stairs, we had to repeat the middle one.
Stairway 1 and 3
Level 1: merkin x 15 / Level 2: wide arm merkin x 15 / Level 3: diamond merkin x15 / Level 4: Hand release merkin x 15…then 5 burpees (well, these could be done when and where ever)
Stairway 2 and 4
Level 1: Narrow Squat x20 / Level 2: wide squat x 20 / Level 3: monkey humper x20 / Level 4: jump squat x20…then 5 burpees at some point
Once we completed that, we meet at the top for some extended marry. Headed back down the stairs to the benches
20 dips and 10 step ups per leg…. then repto
More Mary…head back to launch
Introduced a new exercise…more on that…more Mary and DONE
Take Out prayer- Mermaid
Not mentioned..Flippers run on Mondays at 5:30/ Calvary and the Functional Strength Challange…sign up and see High Tide
Ye Old Mole Skinny:
As YHC pulled into SCMS this am, 3 strong and eager pax were getting ready to go. Well…except for one member who has sent his ruck in to get repaired and needed to borrow one. Wild Turkey needed both ruck and sandbag this AM and I was happy to provide. Once I picked up the contents of my trunk that fell out of when I opened it. I grabbed a few things and quickly reassembled my trunk, grabbed my phone and speaker we got started.
This was a Q’less workout, as we have a very detailed WOD. Pretty straight forward, see the details below:
9 Rounds
DONE- 63 minutes of fun
Thanks Geraldo for taking us out
Ye old moleskin
Background: This workout was designed to commemorate the eight days of the Bataan Death March. The Bataan Death March was the forcible transfer of 60,000–80,000 American and Filipino prisoners of war (POW) from April 9-17, 1942. This workout will honor these POWs with a Bataan Memorial workout consisting of 9 rounds of 8 different movements.
The tribute was designed by GoRuck @goruck as a part of their Sandbag & Ruck Training programming (aka SRT) for April 2021.
Got a text on Monday from a strange number that said I had SACS this week…then the texter announced himself as Cheese Curd on a new personal cell. I’m glad he clarified otherwise my reply could have been quite embarrassing.Nonetheless…Three weirdos still got together in the dark and headed to the SCMS track for some SACS fun. Here’s how it went…The Work1/2 Mile Ruck2 Rounds
- 15 x Deep Goblet (Ruck) Squats
- 15 x Ruck Overhead Lunges
- 15 x Ruck Swings
1/2 Mile Ruck2 Rounds
- 25 x 4 ct. Ruck Mountain Climbers
- 15 x Ruck Push-ups
- 15 x Ruck Upright Rows
1/2 Mile Ruck2 Rounds
- 15 x Single-Arm Lawnmower Ruck Rows (left)
- 25 x 4 ct. Flutter Kicks
- 15 x Single-Arm Lawnmower Ruck Rows (right)
1/2 Mile Ruck2 min. AMRAP Ruck Press Sit-upsENDEXThis workout is a PATHFINDER Ruck Training “Ruck+” workout and are my favorite go-to’s for the SACS crew. Although it was only an intrepid trio this morning we still put in the miles and the reps and the sweat and the work.The ruck overhead lunges were pretty much awful…so awful that I told the guys to get their minds right because they might show up again later in the workout if we had time to start the sequence over from the top. Fortunately we smoked ourselves with those awful lunges and slowed ourselves down and didn’t have to repeat.I know Curd’s ruck is pretty damn heavy — I heard that ominous iron thick *clunk* every time he set the bag on the deck — respect be on him for gutting those lunges out with that weight.Geraldo Larry-Birded every single set we did…even when he got a little light-headed on the last lawnmower ruck sets and lost count — he still finished up first with a few extra reps in there. Strong work, brother.SACS is my fave AO now. It’s the perfect place for any pax to try out some rucking and ruck PT. You don’t even need your own ruck or weight. We have plenty to share. Come join us sometime. We’re good company.Dora out.
It was a bit on the chilly side as I rolled into the AO this AM. Not sure when Wild Turkey sleeps, but he looked like he was catching up on his reading when Happy Meal and I drove in. Eventually, settled up with 10 strong dudes looking to get warm. We put aside the time to discuss our feelings. 5:30 YHC dropped a weak disclaimer and we started our warm up run to St Matthews.
Warm Up
We managed to get to St. Matts in one piece, grabbed a lifting rock and completed the F3 requirements SSH and IMW.
The Thang
With 10 speedbumps in our future, rather than explaining the movement, the thought was to get through the first few and then take off the training wheels and you’re on your own the until you finish.
4 exercises: squats, curls, triceps extension and presses x10 per at each speed bump. Then overhead carry to the next bump, backpedal to the last bump, 1 burpee (add one for each bump) and then run back to your rock.
Once back at the start: LBCx30 and flutter press x20
Drop rock and mosey back behind Target where there are more speedbumps
3 exercises at each speed bump: Carolina Dry Dock, LBC and jump squats =5x10x15x10x5 at each speed bump
Mosey back to start and done
Announcements: Check out the “new” newsletter for the latest and greatest. We did review on April 24 the workout of all feuding workouts…DaVinci to Stonehenge and back to DaVinci. Approximately 9 miles plus bootcamp
Prayer: Cooter
Ye Old Mole Skinny
Due to a hole in scheduling, YHC grabbed the reigns and took control before this thing went sideways. Did that scare the Pax away? Was there a bribe to post elsewhere? Did some think it was going to be an easy day?? Who knows? 3 Pax showed up and attacked this fine morning with Rucks on.
Warm Up
1 lap around the track
The Thang
This workout was 100% stolen from the Pathfinder website. We had done it once before and it was a smoker, here is how it went down
4 total circuits/ rounds
Circuit x7
10x Squats (alternate ruck front and rear facing)
10x Ruck Overhead press
10x Ruck swing
Lap around the track
Circuit x5
10x Bent over rows
10x Curls
10x Ruck thrusters
10x Ruck sit-ups
Lap around the track
Circuit x3
10x Ruck overhead walking lung
10x Ruck high pull
10x Overhead Ruck triceps extensions
10x Ruck Russian twists
Lap around the track
Circuit x1
10x Ruck burpees
20x Ruck skull crunches
30x (broken up into 15 and 15) Dolly with ruck press
Lap around the track
2 more laps
YHC for the takeout prayer
Ye Old Mole Skinny