Tag Archive Delta

The Evolution of Jack Web

ByDoughBoy May 6, 2018

15 PAX showed up at to Commitment on a warm Saturday Morning.  The unsuspecting motley crew of F3 members was ready for a great workout.  FuseB

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Cerberus…So Fancy, You Already Know

ByHollywood May 4, 2018

20 PAX in attendance for a warm and sweat filled morning with the wonderful sounds of mumblechatter.  5:30 came, off we went. No FNG's but a l

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Operation Sweet Tooth Virtual Race Recap

ByPosse Apr 29, 2018

Had to start the disclaimer at 6:28 because I had a lot to say and didn't want to have it cut into the solid run time.  When I got to the legal

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A Clydesdale Call Out

ByFuse Box Apr 28, 2018

Sixteen pax showed up for a Saturday morning beat down.  Four pax who have been MIA were called out on GroupMe and sent a personal invitation to

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The Murderhorn Bores Me

ByPaper Jam Apr 26, 2018

14 PAX came early and often to Rebel Yell to find out if we were getting in miles or working on soccer arms. We all kept waiting for Loogie to ar

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Watch Your Step!

ByBratwurst Apr 25, 2018

  16 men gathered this morning at Dromedary.  The rain finally stopped but we had some wet conditions to deal with.  I did my best to k

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ByTransporter Apr 19, 2018

So to be perfectly honest I took this Q so I could work out with the PAX.  I personally have been wrestling with a foot injury that as continued

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Can I wear your varsity jacket?

ByBottlecap Apr 16, 2018

28 PAX showed up on a (yet another) brisk morning.  As we stood around in the wind gusts, most PAX were VERY vocally asking for an earlier than

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Raining FNG’s

ByFrack Apr 7, 2018

Last night brought everyone back to the early 90's. You're going to the MLB autograph day, and you plan on getting Jose Canseco's signature but i

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Bringing some Competitive fire

ByBottlecap Apr 2, 2018

20 PAX graciously survived a morning Calorie Burn. From the moaning and complaining, the burn was definitely felt by most in the gloom to rid the

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