Tag Archive Alf

Happiness is 5 Knolls and burpees (according to Alf)

BySlackBlast Feb 18, 2023

DATE: 2023-02-18 AO: _Area-51 Q: hoover PAX: Alf, ChickenWing, ductwork, Mountain Momma, Mr. Magoo, O Tannenbaum, Floor Slapper FNGs: None COUNT:

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BySlackBlast Feb 15, 2023

DATE: 2023-02-15 AO: Wamrap Q: poptart PAX: Orange Whip, rachel, Alf, Horsehead FNGs: None COUNT: 5 WARMUP: Round 1 THE THANG: The Hog Jog

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Frozen Lips and Merkins

BySlackBlast Feb 4, 2023

DATE: 2023-02-04 AO: _Area-51 Q: O Tannenbaum PAX: geraldo, Alf, Floor Slapper, ductwork, beaver, hoover, turkey_leg, @wolverine, FNGs: None COUN

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FNG Revival

BySlackBlast Feb 1, 2023

DATE: 2023-02-01 AO: Wamrap Q: Orange Whip PAX: Alf, turkey_leg, poptart, Watergate, Kaboom 💥 FNGs: 1 Kaboom 💥 COUNT: 6 WARMUP: Did an actu

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[theturn] Return to the (speedy) gloom for one sad porpoise

ByFlipper Jan 5, 2023

DATE: 2023-01-05 AO: -Devils-Turn Q: flipper PAX: Polly, hairball, Joker_Shawn Heath, Alf, Saigon Sam, Chopper, Dosey Doe, voodoo, Astro (Kyle Ki

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Old Spice – spice and core

ByBratwurst Nov 1, 2022

DATE: 2022-11-01 AO: Run Q: bratwurst PAX: Alf, purple_haze, Joker_Shawn Heath, Benny FNGs: None COUNT: 5 WARMUP: starting off 2 min late, Purple

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10 Years of F3, a reordering of the 3 F’s, and gratitude.

ByHops Dec 14, 2021

10 Years of F3.  Wow.  I'm old...Respect just around the corner.  Suppose I didn't want to stay fat into my 40's, so I tried this F3 thing at

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Are you Making This Up As You Go Along? (Turkey Jam)

ByPaper Jam Nov 25, 2021

22 PAX converged at the Improper Pig in Waverly with hopes of a well-organized bootcamp for the 6th Annual Turkey Jam. What they received was som

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Roses and thorns

ByUdder Oct 19, 2021

3/9ths and 2/12ths of 2 BRR teams joined forces to share our highs and lows of the morning. launch from ye olde liquor house at the arboretum.

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The Real Hero of Rock Zero

Bymidriff Aug 10, 2021

Ever had that nightmare when you show up to the first day of school and then realize that you're not wearing any pants? That's exactly how I felt

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