Tag Archive Wolverine

CAUTION: Pursuit may cause Dizziness

BySchedule C May 27, 2021

12 Pax decided today was not the day to fartsack. Pursuit was their weapon of choice to attack the day. Wise choice gentlemen... wise choice.

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Mouth to Mouth

BySmithers May 25, 2021


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Old School

ByDasher May 21, 2021

Showed up a little early to do some recon and found a little surprise for the group. Since we had an FNG had to make sure we did the proper di

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Express yourself

ByChastain May 18, 2021

12 pax did some repeats. 1 pax was responsible for writing a backblast but didn't. 200m x2 400m x2 600m x2 800m x2 200m x2 400m

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Swarm before the WTF

BySugar Daddy May 7, 2021

Wolverine on Q....modification of typical Swarm workout because of WTF the next day.

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Hills, Hills, and more Hills

ByFuse Box May 6, 2021

12 came out to Pursuit to see if a Clydesdale would spill Merlot at his own Q.  Sorry to disappoint.  The goal today was to do the exact opposi

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We Want BOT

ByWolverine May 4, 2021

Diccs given, let's mosey ... LRC rolls in early, they all get out of the car ready to go, like going to kick our butts … Smithers and his ta

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ByEx-LAX Apr 26, 2021

Flashdancers mount up   The Thang Gather in front of school, try to start a few min early.  Mosey to front of middle school begin

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High way to Hell

ByRubbermaid Apr 26, 2021

Ignition starts a short Mosey to the high school.Warm up, 15 SSH, 15 Imperial walkers, 10 Merkins and some calf stretch.Head for off campus tha

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Express Hit the Trails

ByDasher Apr 20, 2021

DCCs Warm-up Run 1.5 miles The Thang Spirit Trail 5k pace x 5 w/ 90/120 rest Lost Easy Button after the second round due to twisting

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