Tag Archive Cheese Curd

Dad jokes 2/43

ByKirby Jan 23, 2021

When it is 32 degrees you have to bring the heat. The thang: Mosey to a parking lot near the Y. COP SSH X 20 HAND RELEASE MERKINSÂ

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Holiday Hurlers

ByWildTurkey Dec 30, 2020

A trio a dumdums showed up for four rounds of frosty HIIT. :45 on, :15 off Tabata / 1:00 break between rounds Ruck Swings

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Go, Shorty… It’s your Birthday!

BySprockets Dec 5, 2020

28 freeloaders responded to the rumors that there might be refreshments and morning booze offered up at the end of today's workout. 2 former Hydr

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Deck the Halls: Nine is Fine!

ByTuck Dec 4, 2020

Here we go again with the 5th iteration of something that shouldn't have happened once.  15 PAX popped the red pill (and some ibuprofen) and pos

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Who is calling me at 5:18?

ByCheese Curd Dec 2, 2020

As I was still preparing for my Q last night, Brexit hit me up and asked if anyone preruns SACS...well we start at 0515 and anything before then

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Across the half-pipe and back, 110th Street this is not

ByHoover Nov 24, 2020

11 men braved some chillier temperatures and circled up in the Arbo parking lot for this week's episode of Fast Twitch.  YHC had two bad ideas p

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Block Party

BySlingshot Nov 19, 2020

***POSTING ON BEHALF OF SWEATER SET*** 30 brave men dug their cold weather gear out of storage for a below 30 degree workout and signed up for

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Don’t call it a comeback

ByOrange Whip Nov 10, 2020

One of the foundational A51 F3 locations, The Matrix on Mondays, has been creeping back up in the ratings as many F3 vets have rallied behind the

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A soccer BB, because why not?

ByOrange Whip Sep 27, 2020

We keep pushing the goals back as we again broke the Sunday record with 13, even with several regulars out. The Thang We played soccer M

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If You Had Run Before the Workout, Miles Wouldn’t be an Issue

ByFlipper Sep 26, 2020

YHC hadn't been to a bootcamp in while, so when Prohibition requested a substiQ it was a no brainer decision to use this morning as a return to f

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