Tag Archive Recalculating (R)

Once again, things that could’ve been brought to my attention YESTERDAY!

ByWedding Singer Nov 27, 2018

VQ - where big ideas become lessons learned very, very quickly. 20 PAX fought the cold to come out to my highly anticipate VQ. I'd been preppi

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Hurley’s Revenge

ByRecalculating Nov 23, 2018

The day after Thanksgiving is always a challenge to post; too much food, booze, and souffle's in the last 24hrs. The workout was pushed back to

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….and 5 more burpees.

ByDeadwood Nov 18, 2018

15 pax joined me for “modified” workout this morning at commitment. I wanted to limit running as we welcomed back Dancing Bear, who is coming

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Hills, Hills, Beautiful Hills!

ByDeadwood Nov 8, 2018

DISCLAIMER: Don't sue me, F3, Waxhaw, other Pax and please modify if needed. 15 Pax joined me at The Floater for a journey around Waxhaw that

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Did I Mention No Burpees?

ByDana Oct 30, 2018

It’s been a few months since I started with F3 and I am grateful to Transporter for pushing me to attend.  It was all going swimmingly as the

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Novel Idea: Gear at a Gear workout

ByBottlecap Oct 17, 2018

20 PAX for a gear workout at a gear AO . . . Imagine that! With a full dose of Q Juice flowing, YHC woke up at 0315 with all sorts of thoughts

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Gear Workout…We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Gear

ByZinfandel Oct 10, 2018

15 PAX joined me to help take my V-card and boy was it  better than I ever dreamed of expected. The weather wasn't optimal for this special day

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Easy Button’s VQ

ByEasy Button Oct 9, 2018

Not a bad morning for a VQ.  18 PAX decided to push me through it and I appreciate it.  Although Shake n Bake saw it was a new Q and got the he

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Cones, Cones and More Cones

ByJingles Oct 1, 2018

Unsure of how many would show up due to so many events conflicting this final Saturday of the month, in the end 15 PAX showed up to continue the

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ByBottlecap Aug 31, 2018

Posted on behalf of Big 10 With college football back in all its glory this weekend, we had a little fun and broke a sweat along the way, Four

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