Tag Archive Recalculating

My mama says that stupid is as stupid does at Flash – #Respect to Tom Hanks and a Silver Alert

ByFoundation Oct 15, 2018

10 men enjoyed a full homage to perhaps Tom Hanks' best work, Forrest Gump. The 11th wandered in the middle of the "Something Bit Me" scene. Here

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Quite Riot and Katy Perry… Not!

ByFoundation Oct 4, 2018

As I type this I’m already over 24 hours late on getting this back blast out. (As I post this on behalf Rockwell we are now over 48 hrs late) 

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Target Red Ball Crawl Challenge

ByDoughBoy Oct 3, 2018

19 Pax started the day with a bear crawl in the Target parking lot with a slalom between the LARGE RED BALLS ! No one thought I was going to show

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“Finish Him”

ByMadDog Sep 21, 2018

The Warm Up: Okay, there really was no warm-up.  I was ready to get down to business. Disclaimer Quick lap around the parking lot.

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Will The Real Dancing Bear Please Stand Up?

ByMoneyBall Sep 20, 2018

Posted on behalf of Dancing Bear. Enjoy! It was a VQ this morning for Dancing Bear and my heart was overflowing with joy when half of the PAX

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An Almost Q Fail

ByFuse Box Sep 18, 2018

With Q school quickly approaching (This Saturday), I pose the question - What is the biggest Q fail?....easy.  Over sleep and miss the workout e

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Break In The New Banjo

ByFuse Box Sep 13, 2018

19 Pax showed up on a nice and breezy morning to break in the new VQ Banjo.  The Pax took it relatively easy on me for reasons unknown.  Possib

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Watchtower On The Move

ByFrack Sep 11, 2018

Conditions: 75F and Humid like the Amazon Jungle 19 Pax accepted change and posted to first Watchtower workout at the new location (Brooklyn P

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Bermuda Triangle Comes to the UC

ByTuck Sep 7, 2018

24 men posted at Dromedary and were greeted with stifling humidity and coupons! Thang COP: SSH x 25 IC IW x 25 IC LSS holding pa

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Impromptu AMRAP: The Return

ByHollywood Sep 7, 2018

We welcomed back the return of Impromptu's Monthly AMRAP challenge after a long summer hiatus.  A new but similar designed course awaited the

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