Tag Archive Nails

Nuclear Burnout

ByGerber Mar 29, 2020

DiCCS were given (Disclaimer, Cell phone, CPR, Safety) Warmup - 0.25 Mile - Mosey - 15 x SSH - 15 x Merkin - 15 x Imperial Walkers - 10

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The Greasy Pork Sammy

ByGerber Mar 27, 2020

DiCCS were given (Disclaimer, Cell phone, CPR, Safety) Warm Up: SSH x 25 IC Merkins x 15 Mountain Climbers x 15 IC Lunges x 25

1 ) { $comments = $num_comments . __(' Comments'); } else { $comments = __('1 Comment'); } $write_comments = ''. $comments.''; } else { $write_comments = __('Comments are off for this post.'); } echo $write_comments; ?>

The 10ft Minimum Socially Distanced Pasta Party

ByGerber Mar 26, 2020

DiCCS were given (Disclaimer, Cell phone, CPR, Safety) Warm Up 1/2 mile mosey 10 x SSH IC 10 x Imperial Walkers IC 10 x Plank Jacks IC 10

1 ) { $comments = $num_comments . __(' Comments'); } else { $comments = __('1 Comment'); } $write_comments = ''. $comments.''; } else { $write_comments = __('Comments are off for this post.'); } echo $write_comments; ?>

Maybe I Should Learn How to Read

ByGerber Mar 25, 2020

In honor of Rudy's grandfather turning 90 tomorrow, he developed this simple Weinke. No Warm-Up, we have things to do Thang Map out a 5K

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Anyone Out There?

ByGerber Mar 24, 2020

DiCCS were given (Disclaimer, Cell phone, CPR, Safety) Mosey ½ mile Warm Up: SSH x 15 IC Imperial Walkers x 15 IC Calf Stretch

1 ) { $comments = $num_comments . __(' Comments'); } else { $comments = __('1 Comment'); } $write_comments = ''. $comments.''; } else { $write_comments = __('Comments are off for this post.'); } echo $write_comments; ?>

Backside of the Crests

ByGerber Mar 23, 2020

Since Monday is usually an Ignition or Flash day the easy fix for those who want to do Ignition is to add a 2 mile prerun on the front end of the

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Tales From the Crest

ByGerber Mar 17, 2020

A few guys from the Crest decided to meet up for an unofficial workout at the Briarcrest Clubhouse today. Due to rain this morning an audible

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Tardy Q

ByWolverine Mar 16, 2020

The Thang DICCS not given, I arrived 1 min late (explained later) …   Warm up mosey, SSH, Calf Stretch (I call it the Damascus Sp

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A Skin Tight Skeleton Bodysuit to Run After or To Run Away From???!??!!

ByZinfandel Mar 14, 2020

And for my 41st Q, I realized I haven’t Q’d in over a month. Were my costumes in November too much? Could I have finally worn out my welcome?

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#BAH BAH Waxhaw do you have any new hills?

ByFoundation Mar 12, 2020

18 Pax ventured out to visit a new hill #BAH (Big Ass Hill) that is just over by the Post Office on Waxhaw Pkwy Rd.  Quickly review DCCS and rea

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