Tag Archive Foley

Give me AMRAP…and a Floater

ByMoneyBall Aug 17, 2018

Heavy sweating, heavy breathing, poor clock management, and Frack made this morning a wonderful experience. The Floater requires a backblast. It'

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New Floater Calorie Champ?

ByFoundation Aug 2, 2018

16 PAX showed up today ready to work and attempt to beat the calorie count record.  Unfortunately, we were missing Recalc, so we do not have an

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You’re Really Getting On My Nerves!!!

ByMoneyBall Jul 26, 2018

YHC was running a tad behind this morning but needed to confirm a couple locales for this morning's festivities. Pulled into the lot at my former

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No Football Players Here!!!!

ByFrack Jul 17, 2018

9 brave men got out of bed with high expectation for a low to moderate amount of running. Mosey to tennis courts and circle up: SSH x 15, B

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Rolling Hills at The Floater

ByFoundation Jun 28, 2018

  14 Pax showed up at the Floater today. Bottlecap gives the disclaimer and claims replacement Q, and we see Big 10 heading for the J

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Do I confuse you?

ByFoundation Jun 18, 2018

22 Pax came out to Flash this morning and were led by a non-professional, Q school flunky for some work around the campus.  The plan was to do s

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All Down Hill From Here

ByMoneyBall Jun 15, 2018

Round 2 of Moneyball Qs for the week. Started with Flash on Monday and brought'er home with Impromptu this morning. 18 men lunged, crawled, climb

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A Flag Day Celebration

ByFuse Box Jun 14, 2018

20 pax made it out to celebrate flag day.  Admittedly, it was my first time celebrating the holiday.  Apparently Xerox and Yeast started early

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Throw Mama from the Q Jack Train!

Byshakenbake May 31, 2018

YHC was pumped to do a VQ at a newish site to me. Thanks for the opportunity/voluntold Bottlecap. Luckily, yours truly has been tormented.......I

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Foley-the-Virgin-Q and Scooter

ByFoley May 25, 2018

For my VQ Posse lit the path with a sparkle-wheeled scooter and we drove off the police with rocks (in a sense). The Warm Up Lap around

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