Tag Archive McGee

Crushed Biscuit and Coffee Dreams

ByLorax Oct 19, 2020

YHC rolled up early McKee to get a lay of the land.  I had only posted once at the Matrix and had been a few months.  I parked my car where the

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If You Had Run Before the Workout, Miles Wouldn’t be an Issue

ByFlipper Sep 26, 2020

YHC hadn't been to a bootcamp in while, so when Prohibition requested a substiQ it was a no brainer decision to use this morning as a return to f

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Don’t Poke the Bear

ByJetFuel Aug 30, 2020

The skies were ominous on Saturday morning as YHC meandered towards the large pink church known as Calvary for another edition of Rock Zero.  Ba

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Gone Fishin’

ByGeraldo Aug 23, 2020

12 Pax including Mermaid's 2.0 Samuel, ignored the #FartSack for some of O'Tannebaum's old man strong Q this week. Warm up jog down gravel roa

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A Tribute to Cash

ByHopper Aug 16, 2020

On Friday, Cake Boss from The Fort sent a message to Voodoo informing him that Cash, a F3 brother, is in his final days of a battle against cance

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No Bears Allowed on the Grass

ByGlidah Aug 14, 2020

Well another day and another new AO I've never posted at before and a VQ all wrapped into one... Just another reminder I need to venture outside

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7 for 7

ByCarb Load Jul 31, 2020

Another "Balmy" morning in the Gloom today. I love Carolina weather in July...  Hot and sticky in the mornings and then just plain hot all throu

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A lesson in fire ant bite protection

ByRudy Jul 28, 2020

DiCCS given (Disclaimer, Cell Phone, CPR, Safety).  YHC mentioned we'd be crossing Providence during the Safety portion of DiCCS, thinking this

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Edward Brickhands

BySprockets Jul 19, 2020

11 lucky dogs enjoyed the opportunity to explore the boundaries of bootcamp creativity this morning. Needless to say, then thoroughly enjoyed eve

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Free your mind, bro!

BySprockets Jun 5, 2020

26 interaction-deprived humans arrived at various times for an opportunity to free the mind, body, and soul. Quarantine does strange things to a

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