Tag Archive Floor Slapper

Follow The Panda

ByJRR Tolkien Sep 19, 2020

"11 for Centurion @jrr_tolkien tour of never been places. Ton of ab work, and we made a video.: Fun, hard morning." - thanks Mermaid for effectiv

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Limey’s VQ

ByThunderRoad Sep 15, 2020

The Thang   Sidestraddle Imperial Low slow Peter Parker Mountain climber mosey - 1 lap track x2: o   crabwalk

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VQ Perched at Hawks Nest

ByHopper Sep 11, 2020

Site Q Note: Not only did Amber VQ earlier this week, but he actually wrote a blackblast to go with it!  In the words of Deniece Williams....."L

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Splitting Rock Piles with 16 Paxes

ByDoug Boone Sep 2, 2020

Ran to the rock pile at southern end of parking lot and started with a warm up, 15 each of side straddle hips, imperial walkers, and low slow squ

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Don’t Poke the Bear

ByJetFuel Aug 30, 2020

The skies were ominous on Saturday morning as YHC meandered towards the large pink church known as Calvary for another edition of Rock Zero.  Ba

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Rocky Q!

ByBucky Aug 20, 2020

YHC scheduled this work trip back to NC from WI with a purposeful hope to post, and thanks to SwineFlu & CircuitCity for allowing a rusty ol

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Build it and they will come …

ByCircuit City Aug 18, 2020

QIC: Circuit City Pax: Hooper (R), Queen, Spackler, Jet Fuel, Puddin Pop, Marge, Huddle House, Motorboat, Buc-ee’s, Mayday, Thunderoad, Gerald

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Lets Gooooooo!

ByWarEagle Aug 14, 2020

With a week filled of college football cancellations and other bummers to YHC's favorite upcoming season of the year, YHC was ready to release so

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Five O – “Don’t be last or you may get arrested”

ByChampagne Aug 7, 2020

Quick Disclaimer, more for YHC than anyone else due to lack of posting over last couple months. Quick mosey to campus and up to the top level

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I thought BLC was on Q?

BySlingshot Aug 3, 2020

When YHC got the text from Geraldo on Friday afternoon for a Q on Saturday morning, I figured I've been riding free at Rock Zero long enough to s

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