Tag Archive Dora

I Can’t Brush My Hair

BySlackBlast Oct 18, 2023

Date: 2023-10-18 AO: sacs Q: geraldo PAX: Lafleur, Broken Arrow, Cheese Curd, Dora, Emoji, geraldo, hoover, lex_luthor, purell, sledge FNGs: None

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Hills and Smiles

BySlackBlast Feb 15, 2023

DATE: 2023-02-15 AO: Sacs Q: Lafleur PAX: Cheese Curd, Dora, geraldo, lex_luthor, sledge, wildturkey, hoover FNGs: None COUNT: 8 WARMUP: load up

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Fun in the dirt

BySlackBlast Feb 1, 2023

DATE: 2023-02-01 AO: Sacs Q: fire_hazard PAX: lex_luthor, wildturkey, Dora, Cheese Curd, Rousey, geraldo, Lafleur FNGs: None COUNT: 8 1 ruck lap

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Sandbagging It

ByGeraldo Jul 1, 2021

Dora and I  pulled into the parking lot only to find Tiger Rag's family truckster in the bus lot. Wild Turkey then pulled. Tiger Rag returned fr

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Bataan Memorial WOD- Arm and Neck circles?

ByCheese Curd Apr 14, 2021

As YHC pulled into SCMS this am, 3 strong and eager pax were getting ready to go.  Well...except for one member who has sent his ruck in to get

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New Phone, Who Dis

ByCheese Curd Apr 8, 2021

Got a text on Monday from a strange number that said I had SACS this week...then the texter announced himself as Cheese Curd on a

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Best of 2020

ByCheese Curd Jan 27, 2021

So this is probably one of my latest BB that I have ever done.  2 full weeks and now 1 full additional workout Q overdue.  That said on this gl

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Who is calling me at 5:18?

ByCheese Curd Dec 2, 2020

As I was still preparing for my Q last night, Brexit hit me up and asked if anyone preruns SACS...well we start at 0515 and anything before then

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7 Pax with 7 SACS (well 6 sacks and one ruck… sack)

ByFlipper Oct 21, 2020

0515 was the time, still 15 minutes earlier than necessary in YHC's opinion, but more on that later.  The least hospitable asphalt in all of A51

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Pavlov’s Burpee

ByChastain Sep 2, 2020

A month ago I had never been to Dromedary before and today I'm the Q. Two years of F3 and it's time to be new and start posting/Qing sites I've n

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