New Phone, Who Dis

New Phone, Who Dis

Got a text on Monday from a strange number that said I had SACS this week…then the texter announced himself as Cheese Curd on a new personal cell. I’m glad he clarified otherwise my reply could have been quite embarrassing.
Three weirdos still got together in the dark and headed to the SCMS track for some SACS fun. Here’s how it went…
The Work
1/2 Mile Ruck
2 Rounds
  • 15 x Deep Goblet (Ruck) Squats
  • 15 x Ruck Overhead Lunges
  • 15 x Ruck Swings
1/2 Mile Ruck
2 Rounds
  • 25 x 4 ct. Ruck Mountain Climbers
  • 15 x Ruck Push-ups
  • 15 x Ruck Upright Rows
1/2 Mile Ruck
2 Rounds
  • 15 x Single-Arm Lawnmower Ruck Rows (left)
  • 25 x 4 ct. Flutter Kicks
  • 15 x Single-Arm Lawnmower Ruck Rows (right)
1/2 Mile Ruck
2 min. AMRAP Ruck Press Sit-ups
This workout is a PATHFINDER Ruck Training “Ruck+” workout and are my favorite go-to’s for the SACS crew. Although it was only an intrepid trio this morning we still put in the miles and the reps and the sweat and the work.
The ruck overhead lunges were pretty much awful…so awful that I told the guys to get their minds right because they might show up again later in the workout if we had time to start the sequence over from the top. Fortunately we smoked ourselves with those awful lunges and slowed ourselves down and didn’t have to repeat.
I know Curd’s ruck is pretty damn heavy — I heard that ominous iron thick *clunk* every time he set the bag on the deck — respect be on him for gutting those lunges out with that weight.
Geraldo Larry-Birded every single set we did…even when he got a little light-headed on the last lawnmower ruck sets and lost count — he still finished up first with a few extra reps in there. Strong work, brother.
SACS is my fave AO now. It’s the perfect place for any pax to try out some rucking and ruck PT. You don’t even need your own ruck or weight. We have plenty to share. Come join us sometime. We’re good company.
Dora out.

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Cheese Curd author

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