Tag Archive Voodoo

Inaugural Functional Strength Challenge

ByHigh Tide May 23, 2021

10 men kicked off the inaugural Functional Strength Challenge (FSC) with grit and determination this morning.  No one knew exactly what to expec

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Modeling GoRuck’s new men’s capri pants

ByVoodoo May 17, 2021

Six men circled up at Calvary this past Saturday for their weekly does of Olympus. The weather was in the 40s as Spring takes one last gasp befor

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Getting Unskinny at Meathead

ByVoodoo May 12, 2021

8 pax showed up at Calvary this morning at 0530 or earlier. Unfortunately, one of them was not Frehley’s Comet, who had agreed/been voluntold t

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Running for Tartarus

ByVoodoo May 12, 2021

7 pax showed up at the Arboretum for another episode of Fast Twitch. I spent the previous night trying to plan a route that would include the hil

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Titles are hard, man

ByHoover May 11, 2021

7 men gathered on a rainy start to the week at the covered section of McAlpine Elementary Invue Parking Lot to get Swole on a Monday. Pax dili

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Code Brown

ByVoodoo May 10, 2021

I pulled into Calvary at about 6:59 on Saturday and found 3 pax waiting for me. Ickey and Frehley’s were out of their cars and ready to rock. H

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Poison sucks

ByVoodoo May 6, 2021

10 pax circled up at Calvary at 0700 this morning for some kettlebells and some tunes. After a brief disclaimer, we got down to business. Warm

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Come for the workout, stay for the tunes

ByUncle Leo May 3, 2021

10 pax assembled on the finest pavement in CMS for this weeks edition of Swole.  Reasonably disclaimed as the 0530 arrivals assembled their gear

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Saturdays are for the Boys

ByVoodoo Apr 19, 2021

3 pax showed up at Calvary at 0700 yesterday for the latest edition of Olympus. After missing last week due to family travel (but not sorry to mi

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EZ strength? What is this, a luxury resort?

ByHoover Apr 14, 2021

10 men rolled into the Calvary parking lot (not all at 0530) for this week's episode of Meathead.  Some were early, some were late, some were ri

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