Running for Tartarus

Running for Tartarus

7 pax showed up at the Arboretum for another episode of Fast Twitch. I spent the previous night trying to plan a route that would include the hill on Providence, Windbluff, the Coburn half-pipe, and allow for pax to cut it off at a couple of points if they needed to get back to the start by 6:15. I’m not patient enough or good enough at route planning to make that happen, so I decided to do the Mermaid Challenge.

For those not familiar (sorry, Airwolf), the Mermaid Challenge was introduced when Fast Twitch met down 51 at South Charlotte Middle School. It involves running down 51 to Charlotte Catholic High School, running to the top of the parking deck (affectionately known as Tartarus), and running back. Complete that in 1 hour and you’ve completed the Mermaid Challenge.

I had attempted the challenge once or twice before from SCMS and I don’t think I ever got past Carmel Road. It would be more challenging from the Arboretum, but we decided to give it a shot. Run down 51 for 30 minutes, then turn around and run back. No one made it to the top of Tartarus, but a couple made it to the entrance of CCHS, which is about 3.86 miles one way.

Everyone worked hard out there and put in a solid hour of running. Everyone except Alf, who didn’t want to test his unblemished record of sphincter integrity and pulled up a little shart short.


  • Turkey Leg and Purple Haze will be co-Qing Fast Twitch next week to celebrate its 8th anniversary. Let’s get a big crowd with lots of mumblechatter for what is sure to be a smokefest.
  • This may be the wrong audience, but the Functional Strength Challenge will be held on May 22nd at 0700 at Olde Providence Elementary. Check Slack for the pre-blast from High Tide.
  • Cheese Curd is collecting used shoes for men, women, and children. Bring them to an AO or drop them by his house.
  • GrowRuck is coming to Metro in August. Get signed up if interested because the event is capped. It’s a mix of a GoRuck event and leadership training by the F3 hot shots.


  • I’m not sure it’s possible to make it to the top of the deck from the Arboretum, but we gave it our all. Thanks for coming out and following my lead. Everyone got 5-8 miles in during the course of the workout.

About the author

Voodoo author

Area 51/SOB, Meathead co-site Q

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