10 men kicked off the inaugural Functional Strength Challenge (FSC) with grit and determination this morning. No one knew exactly what to expect or what they could achieve. Most, if not all, left the AO with a PR or two, and no, not just because it was our first event. They were just that good.
The Thang
Disclaimer – quite thorough. (This is a CSAUP, after all)
COP – aka Warmup
Main event(s)
“A good time was had by all.” OK. No one really said that, at least out loud. But more than one expressed an interest, not only in doing this again, but more than annually. YHC considers that a success and was already thinking of doing this semi-annually. Keep your ears open during COT for an announcement this Fall.
Full results are online, but suffice it to say, everyone put up impressive numbers. All exceeded what we see in typical workouts and even more than we saw a few weeks ago during our logistical dry run. As an example, for a KB certification, the snatch test requires a minimum of 100 snatches in 5 minutes. 8 of 10 participants exceeded the standard, and of the remaining 2, one was new to snatches while the other had just completely dominated the deadlifts! Deadlifts and pull-ups were equally impressive.
Looking forward to the next event (although I’ll admit dreading the snatches already…hopefully it’ll pass).
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