Tag Archive Olaf

Outside, rain or shine

BySlackBlast Mar 10, 2023

DATE: 2023-03-10 AO: -Brave Q: Odd Job PAX: Eleanor, Taco_Stand, midriff, Hippie, Olaf, Odd Job FNGs: None COUNT: 6 WARMUP: The usual stuff, but

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Penmanship At Its Finest

BySlackBlast Feb 15, 2023

DATE: 2023-02-15 AO: -Maul Q: madison PAX: wingman, Palmolive, Olaf, kirby, chippy, teddyf3, Loogie, patent_pending, Odd Job, Chopper, Luke Crabw

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Picasso is Pissed about his PP

BySlackBlast Feb 14, 2023

DATE: 2023-02-14 AO: Bagpipe Q: picasso PAX: patent_pending, teddyf3, Pilgrim, tagalong, Hippie, wildturkey, Carny, Blackbeard, Olaf, Loogie FNGs

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Don’t be afraid to get your shoes dirty

BySlackBlast Feb 7, 2023

DATE: 2023-02-07 AO: Bagpipe Q: war_eagle PAX: Olaf, Cooter2, strange_brew, Spitball, madame_tussauds, teddyf3, Rousey, Carny, war_eagle, Snuka F

1 ) { $comments = $num_comments . __(' Comments'); } else { $comments = __('1 Comment'); } $write_comments = ''. $comments.''; } else { $write_comments = __('Comments are off for this post.'); } echo $write_comments; ?>


ByDas Boot Dec 6, 2022

DATE: 2022-11-22 AO: _Sob Q: das_boot PAX: das_boot, ToeJam, Chopper, frehleys_comet, Olaf, tagalong FNGs: None COUNT: 6 6 PAX headed to Bagpipe

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When in doubt, bear crawl it out

Bymidriff Nov 30, 2022

DATE: 2022-11-29 AO: Bagpipe Q: midriff PAX: Spitball, Chopper, Palmolive, snowflake, Saigon Sam, Olaf, war_eagle, picasso, Carny FNGs: None COUN

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It was cold!

ByFranky Oct 5, 2022

DATE: 2022-10-05 AO: _Sob Q: Franky PAX: kirby, patent_pending, madison, fire_hazard, strange_brew, Chopper, Loogie, Yard Tool, Odd Job, Luke Cra

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Bank-2-Bank Transfer

Bywingman Sep 7, 2022

12 Friendlies Stepped into the swamp for a YHC lead beatdown. Disclaimer. Warm-Up 2/3 mile lap for warm-up. PAX where actually calling for

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the other direction

Bywingman Aug 12, 2022

southern 4 mile loop... counterclockwise warmup: ssh, imperial walkers, hillbilly's thang: at the y for two rounds of: dips, step-ups, derkins b

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Loogie Loves Running

ByOddJob Aug 6, 2022

YHC arrived to find FNG Kyle waiting. As other PAX arrived YHC gave the standard disclaimer and we were bolted faster than airport Bojangles thro

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