Tag Archive Draper (R)

You can’t be cold if you don’t stop

ByDeflated Feb 1, 2019

20 Men showed up to a brisk Impromptu, to me they all looked a little cold. Why were they so cold? I think it's because they were standing still

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The Holyfield

ByRecalculating Jan 25, 2019

Something just didn't feel right that last part of 2018....couldn't put my finger on it..oh, we were all missing the Impromptu Monthly Amrap. Wh

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Not Today, Satan!

ByPosse Jan 24, 2019

When Chiseled was first becoming an AO, I suggested the above title (it's a church parking lot for those outside the WUC). Clearly, it didn't s

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Just keep moving

ByFoundation Jan 21, 2019

With the temperatures supposed to reach a high of 37* in Western Union County, a group of 10 strong showed up for the first iteration of Flash e

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It’s all about the abs.

ByDana Jan 18, 2019

For my first Impromptu Q and the Gremlin (still time to sign up) tomorrow preparing the winke was a challenge with staying away from the buses,

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The Q’s Winkie & Ball

ByRubbermaid Jan 11, 2019

Woke up real early this am in preparation for this Q trying to make sure everything worked out fine. Got there and began to gather my gear to br

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November Impromptu AMRAP

ByHooch Nov 30, 2018

19 PAX came out for fun little spin around the AMRAP course.   One, RECALC, even came out while on the IR to cheer on and help instruct the cou

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Chiseled – Back to our Roots…….

BySouthern Belle Nov 28, 2018

Chiseled, originally advertised as a gear workout, started out with a bang. Gear being used focusing more on building muscle, somewhat less cardi

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Is this really winter?

ByJingles Nov 27, 2018

15 PAX decided to venture out in this balmy spell we were having in the 50's to work off the turkey pounds.   The Warm Up Disclaime

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Bohemian Rhapsody

ByPosse Nov 21, 2018

This summer, I saw the movie "Bohemian Rhapsody" was coming in November. I knew immediately I was going to make a workout of it. Saw others acros

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