8 men gathered at Cuthbertson after our workouts to welcome our 2 newest Board members and discuss removing the Bot from the Playhouse how we are accelerating in all 3 Fs. This backblast is an attempt to share with the PAX what the Board discussed and the actions/takeaways from the meeting.
- WHO:
- 1st F Qs (Fitness): Dasher and CARB LOAD
- 2nd F Qs (Fellowship): Gerber and CHICKEN LITTLE
- 3rd F Qs (Faith): Shop Dawg and Centerfold
- COMZ Q: ZINFANDEL (New Board role; Zin had been pulling double duty with 2nd F)
- Q of Expansion: POSSE (New role with focus to help plant workouts outside of our Region; neighboring towns as well as supporting PAX who have moved away)
- Weasel Shaker: CHASTAIN (Replacing Mad Dog)
- Nant’an: Bottlecap
- Welcome to the new Board Members
- Carb Load: Jim has been instrumental in a number of 1st F events; his passion and personal effort in 1st F made him an easy choice to keep challenging the F3 Waxhaw PAX physically
- Chicken Little:
After his Myrtle Beach curb issues, the Board was hesitant excited to get Don’s energy and contagious attitude on 2nd F; his selfless ways will no doubt help F3 Waxhaw grow closer to each other through fun events for the PAX and our families
- Mad Dog: He has rolled off the Board. A BIG THANKS for his service. His wisdom and ability to shake weasels has been invaluable to getting our Region and processes well established and quickly. Personally, I appreciate his friendship and ability to offer common sense solutions.
- 1st F UPDATE:
- Great work completing the April 1 Q challenge
- 96 different PAX Q’d a workout in those 30 days . . . Incredible
- Now that we have unlocked some PAX and they are Freed to Lead . . . What’s next?!?!
- Site Qs:
- Time to mix up Site Qs . . . Who could/should roll off? Who is ready to step up and help lead a site?
- Site Q “Symposium”: Similar to Site Q school but more interactive and idea sharing (Timing TBD . . . And name is hopefully TBD as well)
- Ghosted: Congrats and thanks for stepping up to be a co-Site Q at Pursuit
- New Ideas
- Passport challenge (within Waxhaw): Hitting all AOs in a month (June?)
- Spartan-type race: Including a 2.0 course (Targeting July)
- Low Mileage workout: We are hearing from more PAX who want lower mileage bootcamps (1-1.5 miles) . . . Who is ready to launch one?
- 2nd F UPDATE:
- F3 Dads: Hoping to resurrect Summer Saturday workouts at Dogwood Park
- Happy Hours and Lunches: Getting back to monthly routine
- Family Movie Night: Who has a large enough field/lawn to host?
- Coffeeteria on Fridays: Let’s get PAX staying after Friday workouts at Cuthbertson . . . Zin bringing coffee
- Open Door: New study starting (1 Timothy) . . . Great opportunity to jump in and check it out. Saturday and Sunday morning groups.
- QSource: Changing up content to weekly Podcast topic
- Looking to make further connection to Rice n Beans, Ray of Hope, and Christ’s Closet for Summer/Fall tie-in events
- Working with Legalized and Ole McDonald to help them launch F3 in their new cities
- Clean Slate now a part of F3 Mint Hill
- Grow Ruck: Coming to Charlotte in August . . . Amazing event and we need to send a big team
- Pull the BOT: Let’s encourage the Q to post the Backblast link on GroupMe and maybe a quick Meme/GIF/Story to encourage PAX to read it
- FNG Video: Some other Regions have put together awesome videos showcasing who/what is F3 to encourage Sad Clowns to come join us . . . Who has these skills and willing to pull something together for F3 Waxhaw?
- Social Media: We have great posts/pictures but we need more PAX to share and comment (not just “Like”) . . . Especially on Facebook where our content is viewed most frequently
- Monday May 31st
- Nesbit Park/Kensington Elementary
- 4 Workout options:
- The Murph (1 Mile Run, 100 Pull-Ups, 200 Merkins, 300 Squats, 1 Mile Run) . . . Variations and modifications are allowed/encouraged
- Bootcamp
- Ruck/Trail Run
- 2nd F Coffeeteria
- 3rd F tie-in
- Who wants to help with any of the above?
I’ll end this backblast with the same message from a couple meetings ago . . . A SINCERE AND BIG THANKS to all the leaders of F3 (and especially these Board members).
- This Region is special; we are growing FAST!
- We have 100+ active PAX and the majority are leading in some way
- We are incredibly active in all 3 F’s
- There is not much drama
- We are constantly looking to improve and reach more Sad Clowns
- We are making a lasting impact in this community
- Let’s stay focused on our mission: Plant, Grow, and Serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership!
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