Tag Archive Boererwors

Old Course for no men

ByUdder Dec 18, 2021

Well, YHC will never attend another Xmas party as I got volun-told by one Geraldo to Q in the site q’s absence. I tease about the never agai

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Old School at THE ROCK–Neighborhood Tours–Marriage counseling–General Good Times for ALL–3+ miles!

ByGeraldo Oct 24, 2021

So, we started with a ten minute 'warm up': SSH, IW, Squats, Merkins, Karaoke, Bunny Hops, Lunges, Peter Parkers, MC, LBC Then we mosey'd out

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Show me your “Oh” Face

ByProhibition Apr 25, 2021

12 men decided to get their weekend started off at RockZero and may or may not have regretted it.  With a virtual shovel flag planted firmly in

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This one was for the old F3 Pax- RIP Day Zero

ByCheese Curd Feb 20, 2021

Back in the day there was a workout called, Day Zero.  Much like the Stonehenge / Da Vinci weekly battles, The Rock and Day Zero would always go

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Don’t Poke the Bear

ByJetFuel Aug 30, 2020

The skies were ominous on Saturday morning as YHC meandered towards the large pink church known as Calvary for another edition of Rock Zero.  Ba

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I thought BLC was on Q?

BySlingshot Aug 3, 2020

When YHC got the text from Geraldo on Friday afternoon for a Q on Saturday morning, I figured I've been riding free at Rock Zero long enough to s

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Edward Brickhands

BySprockets Jul 19, 2020

11 lucky dogs enjoyed the opportunity to explore the boundaries of bootcamp creativity this morning. Needless to say, then thoroughly enjoyed eve

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“I ain’t no gizzard”

ByHops Feb 22, 2020

This was a morning when the pax stayed in their cars until the very last minute, except Spackler who came flying in late...he likes the attention

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Bloodied but Unbowed

ByJetFuel Dec 30, 2019

10 PAX gathered in the moderate, overcast gloom at a large pink church located in South Charlotte for a Final 4 beatdown of biblical proportions.

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The Trifecta of Terrible, a Tour Through 5 Knolls

ByHoover Oct 26, 2019

13 pax (including the Q) for an unlucky roll of the dice at Rock Zero. YHC had pre-slacked and pre-tweeted an 0600 Pyramid of Meat starter, but

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