Tag Archive O’Tannenbaum

Kiss the Pole

ByJetFuel Jan 24, 2021

YHC has made 6 trips to St. Louis since the beginning of December in a vain attempt to closeout the Project From Hell aka Satan's Spawn aka Shoot

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Go, Shorty… It’s your Birthday!

BySprockets Dec 5, 2020

28 freeloaders responded to the rumors that there might be refreshments and morning booze offered up at the end of today's workout. 2 former Hydr

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Groundhog Day Seems to Be Contagious

ByFlipper Nov 7, 2020

YHC has been doing a lot of the same things recently... wake up, figure out what to do with my day, read news about stupid politicians (yes, all

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Crushed Biscuit and Coffee Dreams

ByLorax Oct 19, 2020

YHC rolled up early McKee to get a lay of the land.  I had only posted once at the Matrix and had been a few months.  I parked my car where the

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A Tribute to Cash

ByHopper Aug 16, 2020

On Friday, Cake Boss from The Fort sent a message to Voodoo informing him that Cash, a F3 brother, is in his final days of a battle against cance

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Edward Brickhands

BySprockets Jul 19, 2020

11 lucky dogs enjoyed the opportunity to explore the boundaries of bootcamp creativity this morning. Needless to say, then thoroughly enjoyed eve

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Happy Birthday, Hawks Nest.

ByHops Mar 10, 2020

I think O'Tannenbaum might have been nearly 5 minutes early to the workout.  Amazing.  He said he got up in plenty of time, was bored and didn'

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Wash those windows, they have filth muck on them.

ByGummy Mar 7, 2020

Trying to keep the Area 51, non-Waxhaw division, backblast streak alive. 15 of us gathered in a church parking lot this morning. Although outn

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Triangle and a Rooster

ByCheese Curd Feb 24, 2020

Not sure what happened, but I fought off all my alarms today until I looked over at the clock and completely panicked.  Little after 5 to do my

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These go to 11!

ByHopper Feb 16, 2020

On the night of Valentine's Day, the banter began about the Area 51 Cold War era of The Rock vs. Day Zero (the combined entity which is now Rock

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