Tag Archive Rachel

Friday the 13th meets the Beast

ByPurell Jul 13, 2018

21 men (1 FNG – Sir) couldn’t fade the A51 Slack channel hype all of Thursday afternoon and showed up to name an FNG, and do a few merkins an

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If You Squeeze My Lizard, I’ll Put My Snake On You

ByIckey Shuffle Jul 12, 2018

Believe it or not, today was YHC's first Q opportunity at Meathead.  Thursdays are typically reserved for the M's early morning workout in the S

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Taking Requests at Anvil

ByMermaid Jul 11, 2018

Utah and YHC pulled into the launch lot and Haze was there.  He was a soft commit last night.  Something about a Q at Hydra to prepare for on T

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Stoppage Time

ByAlf Jul 10, 2018

11 Men showed up for Fast Twitch this morning.  2 of them showed up 15 minutes early to swing KB's with Hops, Bulldog, Busch and Bananas, and al

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Gear comes to Meathead

ByChampagne Jul 5, 2018

7 Men decided to get Stronger and posted at Meathead this am in the gloom. Disclaimer given – short one – no FNGs or Site FNGs Explanat

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Don’t Overthink It

ByMadison Jul 3, 2018

The Matrix Q schedule is planned 12 months in advance, and if you've ever posted there, you are on the list.  I was reminded at 9:30 PM (thanks

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Death Valley Field Trip

ByMermaid Jun 27, 2018

Solid crew of 15 arrived for the weekly installment of Death Valley.  Pleasantries exchanged for a few minutes prior to the disclaimer.  Funky

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Lewis and Clark were Young Once Too

Bylaronda Jun 27, 2018

The Thang (Part 1): Head out of parking lot, cross to E side of PR, warm-up pace down PR to McKee (1mi) Shoulder taps and MC's to colle

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Searching for BLIMPS

ByRachel Jun 22, 2018

6 went searching for BLIMPS this morning and found them and more. The Thang After a very brief disclaimer, we were off. Head out of the par

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The Anvil Mile

ByMermaid Jun 20, 2018

17 men, including YHC, sweated through our greetings in the launch lot for a few minutes.  Even the disclaimer made YHC sweat.  It was given an

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