Tag Archive Spackler

Anxiously Awaiting Puberty

ByJetFuel Mar 8, 2019

15 PAX descended onto the finest elementary school (not named Elizabeth Lane) in South Charlotte for an all out assault on the body, mind, and s

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ByBrushback Feb 26, 2019

Great Monday morning to get some much needed exercise in. The men of Base Camp arrived in numbers and were ready to roll. COP SSH x 20 ICĀ

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Hawk’s Nest Substi-Q

ByMermaid Feb 26, 2019

Date: 02/26/2019 QIC: Mermaid Pax: Spack, Sprockets, Semi, Mermaid, Taco Stand, One Eye, Thunder Road, Pop Tart, Scratch/Win, Billy Goat,

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Go pound sand!

BySprockets Feb 9, 2019

With New Years Resoluters around the globe fartsacking in Februraury, 20 pax rolled out to prove their commitment to selves and support YHC in h

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You’ll Feel That Later

ByPurple Haze Feb 6, 2019

13 men gathered at Calvary for Anvil leg day. After a proper disclaimer, off we went. The Thang We moseyed from the launch point, picking

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12 Monkeys

ByHorsehead Jan 25, 2019

I'm Henry the eighth I amHenry the eighth I am, I amI got married to the widow next doorShe's been married seven times beforeAnd every one was a

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50 pounds gets heavier the longer you hold it.

ByAlf Jan 19, 2019

12 PAX, no wait, 13 PAX showed up for Rock Zero this morning for the bi-weekly Heavy edition. I normally ignore all formal rules of the AO, but

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Limited Visibility

ByAlf Jan 17, 2019

It was dark and gloomy this morning.  I could only see about 100 feet in front of me on the drive in.   The SCMS track

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Pinky Promise!

ByHopper Dec 13, 2018

13 studs showed up at OPE for another edition of Hydra this A.M.!  BONUS....We had two F3 visitors from other regions (Homeboy from At

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A dozen men and a homophobe

ByVoodoo Dec 4, 2018

13 pax congregated at the largest, most expansive, and most luxurious AO in all of Area 51. That's right, Calvary Church. Hoover was fresh off of

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