Tag Archive Runstopper

A Tribute to Cash

ByHopper Aug 16, 2020

On Friday, Cake Boss from The Fort sent a message to Voodoo informing him that Cash, a F3 brother, is in his final days of a battle against cance

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Edward Brickhands

BySprockets Jul 19, 2020

11 lucky dogs enjoyed the opportunity to explore the boundaries of bootcamp creativity this morning. Needless to say, then thoroughly enjoyed eve

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2020, Act II (Re-commit to making yourself better)

ByPoint Break Jul 1, 2020

Its’ official, today marks the beginning of the second half of 2020. 17 PAX (including one 2.0) decided to kick it off by making themselves a l

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Brandi, you’re a fine girl. What a good Q you would be!

BySprockets Jun 18, 2020

Well today marked my Inaugural Q of Hydra.  I guess after doing F3 for the last six months they felt I had it in me to lead Started in bus lo

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Jack Webb fartsacked.

ByHops Jun 6, 2020

Once upon a time, there was a workout called The Rock.  Upwards of 40 or 50 pax could be found under & amidst the south Charlotte Saturday m

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Free your mind, bro!

BySprockets Jun 5, 2020

26 interaction-deprived humans arrived at various times for an opportunity to free the mind, body, and soul. Quarantine does strange things to a

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Rock Zero Backblast

ByMermaid May 30, 2020

23 with an FNG this morning for Rock Zero. Saw Hoover and Flipper pre-running. May have been others. Disclaimer given and we took off. KB crew wa

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Out the Gate

ByMermaid May 15, 2020

F3 real-deal workouts are back. 10 posted and YHC was inclined to give a disclaimer regarding personal safety, modification per one's own volitio

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Somebody Count, Damn It

ByMermaid Mar 13, 2020

Bout Time ran in. Cheese Curd pre-ran about 3. The rest of us slackers drove in and put in a solid 45 of hard work. No handshakes, or fist bumps

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F#$@ Twitch

ByGummy Mar 3, 2020

I know we don't normally do Fast Twitch backblasts, but the feedback on Slack #run has been so favorable that I wanted to spread the joy: "We ha

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