Tag Archive Ductwork

Papa Was a Rolling Stone

ByJetFuel Feb 27, 2020

20 of Area 51’s finest PAX assembled on a clear and somewhat chilly Thursday morning in the Olde Providence ES staff parking lot to tackle the

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“I ain’t no gizzard”

ByHops Feb 22, 2020

This was a morning when the pax stayed in their cars until the very last minute, except Spackler who came flying in late...he likes the attention

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Happy birthday, Chuck!

ByHoover Feb 13, 2020

“Rules are made for people not willing to make up their own” – Chuck Yeager. 28 brave souls (including YHC) made the decision to weather

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Who shuffled this deck!?

BySprockets Jan 27, 2020

19 morons thought that YHC was still sick and that surely they would be presented this morning with a quality workout, a traditional regimen, and

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It’s not a Sprockets workout, how bad can it be …

ByHoover Jan 18, 2020

A lucky 13 were in attendance today, 12 of whom expected Sprockets to Q this week's episode of Rock Zero.  Unfortunately, Sprokcets was ill and

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Leg Busted, Shoulder Broke, But the Show MUST go on!

ByFlipper Jan 12, 2020

The "Udder Commit" is becoming synonymous with well intended absence, and RockZero was not in any way impervious to the nippled one's lack of con

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Titles? We don’t need no stinking titles …

ByHoover Jan 10, 2020

12 (not yet ill-tempered) men showed for this week’s episode of Joust.  YHC pulled into the parking lot around 0520 at Charlotte Christian exp

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Do we need gloves?

ByDuctwork Jan 3, 2020

5 of Area 51's most seasoned PAX gathered in the gloom for the 2020 kick-off to the Joust season.  Not 2 minutes in and the questions about the

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The Rock Zero Holiday Spectacular

ByHoover Dec 23, 2019

19 pax gathered for what was billed as the holiday event of the season for Area 51.  Site Qs Geraldo and YHC teamed up for a beatdown to remembe

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Beastly Five Knolls

ByUdder Nov 30, 2019

11 for a tour de Five Knolls Rd. Short COP in lot to await any last min pax. Everyone is present so let’s get this started. Mosey to five

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