Tag Archive Runstopper


ByPurple Haze Jul 3, 2019

It's the week of 4th and the KOA Campground vacation was in full force at Anvil this morning. There were grassy knolls, picnic tables, rock pile

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Anvil – Its been a while …

ByThunderRoad Jun 26, 2019

It has been several months since I have been to Anvil but it was great to be back. Fourteen men joined up in the gloom and, yeah, it was pretty

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No Rain but Plenty of Pain

ByChelms aka Tatertot Jun 7, 2019

Nine men didn't have to bring out the rain slickers as the weather was quite nice even if a little humid. YHC decided to make the morning unco

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ByChampagne May 20, 2019

Disclaimer given – veteran group Quick Mosey to top of parking deck aka Tartarus for quick COP Imperial Walkers IC x 15 Low Slow squa

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Hard to Handle

ByMermaid Apr 27, 2019

8 men joined QIC for a 60-minute Rock Zero heavy workout. Gummy and Alf HC'd last night and site-Q Hoover as well. Glad to see the rest of the

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Me winning isn’t. You do.

ByGummy Apr 17, 2019

15 men gathered in a church parking lot this morning. Due to a scheduling glitch, I had the Q at Death Valley and Anvil. The DV guys caved quick

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Who is that masked man?

BySnowflake Apr 14, 2019

11 Pax chose the DRP of a Heavy week at RockZero, and braved a threat from Cantore to start their Saturday right. After a full disclaimer, we we

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Back In The Saddle

ByEscargot Mar 30, 2019

It has been several years since my last Q, but it was fitting for my return to be at The Centurion.  I hope everyone enjoyed the blast from

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Old School

ByVoodoo Mar 20, 2019

13 pax (excluding YHC) showed up at RockZero to see what the Q had planned for the next 60 minutes. Warm up: Lap around the church, ending

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Backblast Ascent: Wow!! My Numbers Have Doubled!

ByCooter Mar 9, 2019

We've all been there when the weathers been bad or other circumstances have caused most us to fartsack instead of show up for a workout. Leavin

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