Tag Archive Benny

Running on Empty

ByOrange Whip Apr 13, 2021

Perfect morning for running yet again as the Charlotte spring has been undefeated for two straight years.   Benny had to reschedule th

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Fast Twitch Return to Red Light District

ByBenny Apr 6, 2021

5 pax made the smart decision to post at Fast Twitch this morning for YHC return to Fast Twitch and first Q at the site since November. After a p

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Round and round we go

ByVoodoo Feb 9, 2021

Flipper texted me last night with his latest terrible Tuesday plan: 33:00 warm up, 26:00 of intervals, and 33:00 cool down. Little did he know th

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FastTwitch through the rain drops

ByBratwurst Jan 26, 2021

5 PAX showed at 0515 at the Arbo ABC store despite the RADAR and Forecast for heavy rain during the workout this morning.  We took to the street

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Triple Nickle Beatdown

ByBenny Nov 9, 2020

9 joined us today for this weeks installment of Base Camp led by YHC a former Base Camp Site Q. After a through disclaimer that was highly enjoye

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Passing of the Torch

ByBenny Nov 3, 2020

8 Pax posted at Fast Twitch not scared off by the message YHC gave yesterday. After an adequate disclaimer was given, since the Giants only lost

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Always bet on the horse that pees right before the start

ByAlf Oct 18, 2020

A mid week audible had Geraldo asking me to Q Rock Zero.  I was do.  The last time I Q'ed the site was still a zoom workout.  A little smack t

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Everyone Needs A Little BootCamp

ByFlipper Oct 2, 2020

Crisp air, late rising sun, growing numbers in the gloom... it must be fall in the the greatest region of all F3.  YHC loves the fall, primarily

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A soccer BB, because why not?

ByOrange Whip Sep 27, 2020

We keep pushing the goals back as we again broke the Sunday record with 13, even with several regulars out. The Thang We played soccer M

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If You Had Run Before the Workout, Miles Wouldn’t be an Issue

ByFlipper Sep 26, 2020

YHC hadn't been to a bootcamp in while, so when Prohibition requested a substiQ it was a no brainer decision to use this morning as a return to f

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