Tag Archive Proehl

Groundhog Day Seems to Be Contagious

ByFlipper Nov 7, 2020

YHC has been doing a lot of the same things recently... wake up, figure out what to do with my day, read news about stupid politicians (yes, all

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Rucking and (Big) Rocking

ByWildTurkey Oct 2, 2020

This is a double-decker BB. Deal with it. WEDNESDAY  The nameless sandbag/ruck workout at SCMS featuring YHC, Geraldo and Proehl. 6 Con

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If You Had Run Before the Workout, Miles Wouldn’t be an Issue

ByFlipper Sep 26, 2020

YHC hadn't been to a bootcamp in while, so when Prohibition requested a substiQ it was a no brainer decision to use this morning as a return to f

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Hoover didn’t say “Hoover says” or Hoover smells like an onion

ByHoover Sep 2, 2020

6 men gathered in the 0515 gloom of an empty parking lot at SCMS.  No RFYL, no school kids, just those that meet in the gloom to get better.  Y

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Don’t Poke the Bear

ByJetFuel Aug 30, 2020

The skies were ominous on Saturday morning as YHC meandered towards the large pink church known as Calvary for another edition of Rock Zero.  Ba

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Gone Fishin’

ByGeraldo Aug 23, 2020

12 Pax including Mermaid's 2.0 Samuel, ignored the #FartSack for some of O'Tannebaum's old man strong Q this week. Warm up jog down gravel roa

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Dang….Queen did this last week???

ByHopper Aug 15, 2020

27 pax showed up on a morning so humid it felt like we were wrapped in our grandmother's afghan blankets from the start.  BRUTAL!  The site Qs

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Crazy Little Thing Called Merkins

ByPuddin Pop Aug 6, 2020

**Posted on behalf of Queen** 21 Pax gathered on a lovely, but humid morning to tackle the beast known as Hydra. I promised several that we woul

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Meat and Taters at Hydra

ByGeraldo Jul 31, 2020

21 PAX ignored the #Fartsack and made there way to the premier Area 51 Thursday and chattiest boot camp and here's what went down. COP

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Promise kept

ByCheese Curd Jun 25, 2020

After last week's mileage-fest, YHC made a promise to keep the miles down.  A group of 22 strong eventually rolled in (even though it was sprink

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