Tag Archive Hopper

Goodbye World

ByIron Horse Sep 13, 2018

28 men post in the pre-apocalypse gloom for what could be the last workout on the east coast. The archives are being searched to determine if

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What does that mean, in-famous?

ByGummy Sep 11, 2018

13 more-than-famous guys showed up at the unusually barricaded and gated Latin parking lot this morning to see what I had in mind for a post-BRR

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Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

ByDeepDish Sep 9, 2018

6 veterans and 1 FNG (Jimmy Dean, more on that later) showed up to RockZero to test their themselves on this seasonably warm September morning. Â

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ByKirk Sep 5, 2018

If we counted correctly, which is always questionable, then there were 30 at the A51 Labor Day Convergence at Base Camp. Several shovel flags pla

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ByThunderRoad Aug 24, 2018

Sixteen men made it out bright and early to Hydra.  All were disclaimed and away we went. COP in the field behind the school LSS, IW &

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To the Islands

ByLorax Aug 23, 2018

YHC rolled up a bit early to launch and was soon followed by a red Jeep Compass.  Not sure how long Dangerfield had been driving around, but gla

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DayZero Light = RockZero

ByProhibition Aug 23, 2018

10 men showed up to RockZero for a flash from the past...me.  It's no secret I haven't been posting as much as I used to and I definitely have n

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Good morning, Hawk’s Nest

ByThunderRoad Aug 22, 2018

Sixteen men met up at Charlotte Latin this morning for a little workout.  All were disclaimed and off we went. COP IW, LSS x 15, Merkin x

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10 Gentlemen and 8 Clowns

ByMarge Aug 16, 2018

QIC: Queen Pax: Clover, Gummy, HIPPA, Hopper, Tacking Dummy, Harley, Spackler, Puddin Pop, Schmedium, Polo (FNG), Hannibal, Jet Fuel, Marge, Q

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Don’t soil the field

ByIce9 Aug 14, 2018

Most of the time, gingers from Union County aren't allowed in nice places like Charlotte Latin. I had a bad incident with a bouncer a few years b

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