Tag Archive Champagne

Firemen in training

ByPurell Mar 30, 2018

13 men came to a church parking lot to unexpectedly tug on my fire hose. Warm-up: Mosey across campus to Life Center. COP: 15x SSH IC, 1

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Short Weinke Syndrome problems at The Fishing Hole

ByChampagne Mar 22, 2018

Quick and rusty disclaimer – YHC hasn’t Q’d in a while No COP jumped right to Thang: Quick warm-up mosey to picnic area in front of s

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If you can squeeze it… We can freeze it!

ByMargo Mar 9, 2018

Not sure everyone was happy to see my arm in a brave, but i sensed a little relief in the PAX as I made the morning announcement that it was brok

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When are we going to do some running around here?

ByHops Mar 2, 2018

28 pax, including a late-arriving RT who overslept for a 0515 workout in The Fort and scrambled northward to join us, took on what Centurion had

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Off the Grid

ByPurple Haze Feb 23, 2018

22 pax showed up on time for Centurion. 1 wandered around until he found us, before we went off the grid. We ran from the launch area, through

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Snuka’s VQ

ByMargo Feb 21, 2018

Posting this on behalf of Snuka.   Gathered in Parking Lot at 5:15 Temperature was unseasonable warm in the 60’s. Was nice to wear s

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Better than chocolates

BySnowflake Feb 15, 2018

9 Men got their hearts right at Anvil for Valentines Day. It looked something like this: After a quick disclaimer to the Pax, we took a lon

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Storm Trooper Olympics

ByBrilleaux Feb 10, 2018

Had a mediocre turnout for the 5AM trash pick-up, but what we lacked in numbers we made up for with effort.  Thanks to Margo, Lorax, Utah, Thund

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Knee Slapper

ByMermaid Feb 2, 2018

Pre-workout tweet advertised todays Centurion workout as a tough one.  Fun Friday in Area 51/SOB/UCo offers several solid options.  If you are

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ByWarEagle Jan 31, 2018

24 men braved the Windy City like conditions to get better at the latest installment of Bagpipe. The Thing: Began in the doctors office par

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