Tag Archive Uncle Phil

Krampus Is Coming To Town

ByIckey Shuffle Dec 8, 2017

The cold and rainy conditions were perfect for the impending arrival of Krampus, the half goat, half demon creature that in Alpine folklore accom

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Da Lobsta Rolls

ByMcGee Dec 6, 2017

This is McGee posting on Lobsta's behalf. GO PATS. Yeah, yeah, I know. I missed the last time I was supposed to Q. Whateva. Time to make up fo

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Over the hills and through the woods, to Pellyn Woods we go

ByBoutTime Dec 4, 2017

10 men gathered in the gloom to get the Advent season kicked off right. Despite Agony's attire suggesting otherwise, temps were perfect. With the

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Build a burpee workshop

ByUdder Nov 21, 2017

27 eager beavers decided to get after it this morning in the balmy 31 degrees. No matter what the season, NC always stays humid. With 2 FNGs, who

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ByKirk Nov 13, 2017

This was one of those morning when, as Q, there are a few ideas kicking around, but nothing absolutely decided.  In short, I was torn.  Sundanc

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So a Marine and a Sailor Walk Into a Convergence

ByRachel Nov 13, 2017

Three dozen of Charlotte's best gathered on this fine morning for a Pre-Veteran's Day Centurion / The Brave convergence. The Thang Hea

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