Tag Archive Morning After

I <3 JBR

ByWildTurkey Mar 29, 2018

Normally, I set all my workout clothes in the bathroom each evening. Last night, I mixed up my dress shirt with my workout shirt, so I just wore

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Poo Poo Parking Deck

ByUdder Mar 20, 2018

7 men stood in the gloom awaiting instruction from YHC. Disclaimed and ready to go we drop and get 5 Burpees out of the way. Frehleys was not imp

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ByBucky Mar 8, 2018

3 years of F3 for YHC this week. Looked back at official date was 3/10/15 Bagpipe (Soft Pretzel on Q) followed by 3/12/15 Rebel Yell (Strawberry

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The Deck is Calling but will we ever get there…

ByOne-Niner Mar 7, 2018

Ironically this is the first time YHC has had the opportunity to Q since taking over as co-site Q of Bagpipe - mainly due to injury. YHC was SO

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B-day Delight

ByCheddar Feb 19, 2018

19 fine men decided to come to Cheddar Birthday Bash   COP SSH - 10 Imperial Walkers Merkins Mountain Climbers  

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Frozen Tundra of Stonecrest

ByBillyGoat Feb 10, 2018

Better late than never.  9 showed on the frozen tundra of Stonecrest for some laps, chest, and legs with a bit of up and down dog for the not s

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Round and round we go

ByBillyGoat Feb 10, 2018

16 PAX gathered in the gloom to do some work at Rebel Yell.  It was good to see Strawberry back out after recovering from pneumonia.  As the PA

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One Year…and a Few Speed Bumps Along the Way

ByFredo Feb 1, 2018

12 men showed up to celebrate my first twelve months in F3.  Hard to believe it's already been a year.  Time flies when your having fun?  True

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ByWarEagle Jan 31, 2018

24 men braved the Windy City like conditions to get better at the latest installment of Bagpipe. The Thing: Began in the doctors office par

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Short Stack

ByWildTurkey Jan 25, 2018

If you post at Stonecrest, there's always a chance your head to the Murderhorn. Not today! Always one to mix-it-up, I brought the pax to the unde

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