
Come for the workout, stay for the tunes

ByUncle Leo May 3, 2021

10 pax assembled on the finest pavement in CMS for this weeks edition of Swole.  Reasonably disclaimed as the 0530 arrivals assembled their gear

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Just not enough to last……(TWSS)

ByTommy Rose Apr 12, 2021

9 Pax arose from the ashes of their fartsacks to suffer the latest installment of #Swole.  This is my first Q since the "InVue-Gate of 2021" whe

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Better than a Burpee

ByVoodoo Mar 29, 2021

I came in on two wheels this morning (forgot to load the car last night) and found 5 pax ready to kick Monday in the teeth at Swole. After unload

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A Shot in the Dark Beats a Walk in the Park

ByIckey Shuffle Mar 22, 2021

Only four PAX this morning for what is hopefully the last chilly gloom of the season.  As a group we decided that today's musical selection woul

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PreBlast – F3 Functional Strength Challenge – 2021

ByHigh Tide Mar 19, 2021

What:  a challenge – to measure all of the hard work you put in week after week a query as to the truth of something, often with an impli

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We Are the World – No wait that was something else

ByUncle Leo Mar 15, 2021

6 pax assembled on the slip resistant pavement of Swole to get our week started.  Disclaimer, check.  Music started, check.  Tabata timer star

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Getting Swole for next Valentine’s Day

ByMighty Mite Feb 15, 2021

YHC got a text from Voodoo at 5:09 AM saying he was going to take an IR day.  Considering I did the same thing last week, I suppose turnabout is

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Gettin’ Swole after the Super Bowl

ByVoodoo Feb 8, 2021

Over the weekend, Mighty Mite texted to let me know that he had tweaked his knee moving furniture (probably single-handedly carrying a recliner s

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A triumphant return

ByUncle Leo Feb 1, 2021

6 men assembled at the new (old) AO for Swole for our Monday beatdown.  Once again rain threatened, the PAX called it’s bluff and the rain fol

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Sonic Surprises and Senior Day at Swole

ByIckey Shuffle Jan 26, 2021

We are approximately one month into the new strength and conditioning program at Swole, Meathead, and Olympus and today the featured exercise was

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