Tag Archive Van Pelt

A Week Early

ByMermaid Nov 15, 2017

13 men showed up.  A 14th was expected but did not post.  Lobsta Roll was listed as Anvil Q on the calendar this week.  YHC listed for next we

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The Mermaid

ByBenny Nov 14, 2017

14 Pax made the decision after YHC laid down the gauntlet as to what would happen for my Fast Twitch VQ. Seeing how Fast Twitch hasn't done an AY

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So a Marine and a Sailor Walk Into a Convergence

ByRachel Nov 13, 2017

Three dozen of Charlotte's best gathered on this fine morning for a Pre-Veteran's Day Centurion / The Brave convergence. The Thang Hea

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You’re Making This Stuff Up

ByVan Pelt Nov 8, 2017

16 of the best dudes in South Charlotte wheeled into the best AO in South Charlotte on a crisp fall day to experience this thing called Anvil. 

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Rocks. They’re Good For You

ByRachel Nov 1, 2017

14 men came to Anvil this morning and got a full body workout in. Including some lifting in the form of rocks. The Thang Quick COP that i

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ByJRR Tolkien Oct 31, 2017

Summary, Thang, Moleskine, and Everything Your Heart Desires from a Backblast… 22 men showed up to play with some man-strollers…. boy-toyz

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