South Charlotte

This Could Be The Whole Workout

ByThin Mint Apr 20, 2018

10 men arrived at Brazwells this morning unsure of who the Q would be but ready to get down to work as we do at The Brave every week Thang

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No light bulbs will be changed today

ByPurell Apr 19, 2018

7 PAX for the weekly rendition of ‘speedo season is here, time to get some beach muscles.’ SSH x 15 IC 20 Swings IW x 15 IC 20 R

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Spring is finally here

ByCostanza Apr 19, 2018

YHC arrived at Matthew Elementary with only less than 4 minutes to launch. The temperature was great for the weekly installment of Peak 51. The P

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It’s always sunny in Stallings

ByGypsy Apr 18, 2018

Rain snow sleet or hail… it does not matter to BullWinkle or I.. in fact, for some crazy reason, BW typically comes out in the worst weather po

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ByMermaid Apr 18, 2018

Glad to pull in and see Tagalong placing the actual shovel flag firmly in the terra firma.  She was waving proudly.  A few pre-runners.  Bunke

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ByPaper Jam Apr 18, 2018

7 PAX welcomed the 20+ degree weather shift and a Paper Jam Q at Anvil this morning.  A Mermaid inspired disclaimer was provided and we were off

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Bear Crawl Bridge

ByMadDog Apr 17, 2018

Bear Crawl Bridge Twelve pax braved the unseasonably cold morning to face Bear Crawl Bridge.  While Watchtower isn't a new AO, we've been dis

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Just for Attendance…

ByBratwurst Apr 17, 2018

As this was a week old, and posted after the following week's Backblast, it will be used as an attendance record for the most part.  What was re

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Strava Perfect Attendance!

ByBratwurst Apr 17, 2018

12 PAX headed off from the Vine Parking lot at 0515 on Tuesday into a mosey over to the very familiar Bull Ring.  2 PAX surprised us there to r

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“Old School” Windbluff

ByFault Line Apr 17, 2018

Upon learning of my upcoming Q the night before (thanks Alf), I knew I had to stick to what I enjoy and knew best. Despite the new AO, I wanted t

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