The longest part of this Backblast was watching the video and tagging everyone that came out this morning. It was really great to see 37 guys at our combined Ignition/Flash COT. There must have been some major eating getting done over Turkey Day to see such a great turnout this morning or maybe the Pax just needed a good old fashion Banjo beatdown.
As the Pax kept arriving and the numbers kept getting higher and higher I soon realized the Weinke would needed to be changed on the fly. DICCS given and it was time to lead this Mob.
Warm Up:
15x ssh, 10 LSS, stretch, 10 reg Merkins, calf stretch, 10 Wide arm Merkins, 10 6 inch Plank Jacks(blood was officially flowing)
That Thang:
Mosey back to parking lot. Tried a new type of circle back for the 6 this morning. Instead of jumping in and picking up wherever the 6 was at in the exercises and staying with him, simply run to him then back to the finish. Rinse and repeat until 6 is completely finished. Idea was that the Gazelles could get the miles in and you don’t have 30 guys on top of the 6 causing too much of a log jam and this seemed to keep everyone moving at their own pace.
Every light pole alternate 10 merkins, then 10 Bobby Hurley’s all the way to Rudy’s Fecal Fort. Grab some wall for air presses x20 and 10 Mike Tysons.
Mosey to top traffic circle by stadium, lunge walk the circle until the 6 is in. Partner up and complete 5 burpees up top, 10 Dry Docks at bottom with 5 hand slap Merkins when you meet up. Complete 2 rounds.
Mosey back towards steps at complete 5 big boy sit-ups at intersection, run to steps and complete 2 burpees before going up, bear crawl to wall, then 5 Mike Tyson’s. Rinse and Repeat 2 times before Moseying back to Rudy’s Poop Palace. On the way back every other light for 5 Burpees. Merry with some ab work and Done!
Bread Bowl broke wind, then he had to go for real, Zin had to help him get cleaned up, they were both late for COT. Just wanted to see if anyone is still reading at this point.
Announcements: Effies this Saturday, Crest of the Briars come get your feelings hurt.
14th is Zin Man’s Beer exchange, downtown cleanup that morning.
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